Well, I just heard from the vet. Whathe told me gives me some consolation, but it still breaks myheart. She had a small blockage in her intestine, but nothingthat would have normally killed her, however, she had a congenitalheart defect that caused her heart to be weak. The small boutof stasis was just too much for her little heart to take.
Oh Jen, I am so sorry. You did what everyonewould do. You did not know that her heart would be too week to fightthis off for you. She knows that you did everything for her and she hasbeen loved since the day you held her in your arms. Just remember thebest of times you had with her.
I am praying for youJenJenRemember you are an angel forher.
How very sad , Jen, but at least you know whyshe went so quickly, and that there was absolutely nothing you couldhave done. Her little heart will be beating happily at Rainbow Bridge!
Oh God, I'm crying again. I tried toclean her cage, and I just can't do it. I wanted to get itdone today, I just can't. It's just sitting there.Her dish, water bottle and toys are still there. The litterbox is perfectly clean. It's just so empty. Thereis a big hole in my heart. I just don't know what to do withmyself.
Jen if you can't do it yet don't. It took me aweek to get my dog Isaac's things put away including his dog food thatSamantha would not eat. Take your time. If you have to do it quick orjust do it day by day. You can do it we all have gone through it.
Aww Jen, it must be so hard. Perhaps leave it awhile, and when you get around to doing it, remember something abouteach thing you clean - like Daisy digging in her litter box or playingwith her toys - something that makes you smile.
Oh Jen I'm still thinking about you. That poorgirl. You did all you could and there was absolutely no way of knowingabout her heart defect.
I would say what everybody else has said and leave her cage as it isfor a while. Maybe eventually keep all her favourite toys, treats andthings togetherand make a little folder or a scrapbook. Addpictures and poems to it and other little personal things as a way ofremembering her.