Olives red swollen nose :(

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New Member
Feb 20, 2013
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Hiya, i put a post up yesterday about my rabbit olive and her swollen nose :( i now have some pictures that may help.

She is eating well and is very active! although the vet said she was very thin :( we feed her heaps! lots of pellets veggies and hay. Since we got her she had a problem with sneezing this was about 2 months ago. Ive taken her to the vet but they said they didnt particularly specialize in rabbits and gave me some anti biotic cream for her nose that isnt seeming to help at all! Her nose started off being pinkish about 5-6 days ago and has just gotten worse :(.

I have her booked into a vet tomorrow but i would like some ideas on what it may be! thanks for the comments before aswell!

Olive 2.jpg

We had a rabbit that actually had an abcessed nose. It looked just like your bunn. The abcess was lanced and drained and the nose healed up just fine : ) Please keep us updated!
Oof that looks bad. I agree, it's probably an abscess. It should be seen by a vet that will give oral or injected antibiotics, and it may be helpful to get it drained. You might go back to that same vet, or try a different one. I'm not terribly impressed by a vet that gave you a topical cream, but if looked maybe 1/4 as bad as it does now then maybe a topical cream was warranted. Here's a list of Australia rabbit-savvy vets contributed by our members:
:D went the vet today! turns out it was full of puss! she has had it drained and is now on antibiotics and anit inflammatory and pain relief medication! she hid away when she first got home but is now out eating! thanks for all the advice and information!! extremely happy and hopefully the medication will help it all recover nicely! :)

heres a photo of it after! not 100% but definitely looking alot better! with a little wet face :p

We are so glad to hear that Olive's nose is getting better
Hopefully she will be back to normal in a few days
Poor little soul. So glad to see such an improvement. Hope she recovers well and is back to normal in no time. Keep us posted.
Glad the vet was aware of what to do. Let us know how her recovery goes! You should see reduced redness and swelling within 2-4 days if the antibiotic is working.

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