Hi…..i just learned that horses can have problems with intestinal blockage if they consume too much alfalfa. That got me wondering if the same can happen with rabbits?
My Ted is approximately 6 years old. He’s seemingly healthy……active, affectionate, playful, not much overweight (if at all). I occasionally mix in a little alfalfa with his 2nd cut Timothy hay, for variety’s sake. Now, I’m concerned about the possible negative effects of alfalfa, so I will discontinue that practice in the future.
But what about alfalfa cubes? Anybody have thoughts about whether these are safe for adult rabbits, or not? I give him a couple of cubes each night. I figured that they were good for dental health, and weren’t causing a weight problem. Now I’m wondering if they could cause blockage problems?
for the record I’ve tried giving him Timothy cubes, but he’s not enthusiastic about gnawing on them, he much prefers alfalfa cubes

My Ted is approximately 6 years old. He’s seemingly healthy……active, affectionate, playful, not much overweight (if at all). I occasionally mix in a little alfalfa with his 2nd cut Timothy hay, for variety’s sake. Now, I’m concerned about the possible negative effects of alfalfa, so I will discontinue that practice in the future.
But what about alfalfa cubes? Anybody have thoughts about whether these are safe for adult rabbits, or not? I give him a couple of cubes each night. I figured that they were good for dental health, and weren’t causing a weight problem. Now I’m wondering if they could cause blockage problems?
for the record I’ve tried giving him Timothy cubes, but he’s not enthusiastic about gnawing on them, he much prefers alfalfa cubes