Well-Known Member
SOOOSKA wrote:
I hope whatever happened with your rabbit did not harm it. I understand where you are coming from. The fact that in alot of the advertised pictures of the hammocks have them with the edges close together worried me. Luckily I got one that was just the perfect size to go completely across my cage without any bunching. The little bit of dip in the middle I solved by tightening up the edges so its fairly sure. I also "tilted" it so that its pointed down like 20 degrees to let them simply walk out when they want to. There are inherent dangers in any cage accessories, they just have to be used and placed correctly by the owner. I have this one and I would NEVER place it like that. It looks far too dangerous
Anyone have any opinions on this?
The cage looks really good.
But I hvet to burst your bubble, those hamocks are very dangerous for rabbits. They can really hurt themselves trying to get out of them. I had one for Buttercup (RIP) thank goodness I was home when he was in it and tried to get out of it. He was having a real difficult time getting out of it.  They need solid ground to hop or jump from or onto.
I hope more experienced people will come on and advise just how dangerous they are.
I hope whatever happened with your rabbit did not harm it. I understand where you are coming from. The fact that in alot of the advertised pictures of the hammocks have them with the edges close together worried me. Luckily I got one that was just the perfect size to go completely across my cage without any bunching. The little bit of dip in the middle I solved by tightening up the edges so its fairly sure. I also "tilted" it so that its pointed down like 20 degrees to let them simply walk out when they want to. There are inherent dangers in any cage accessories, they just have to be used and placed correctly by the owner. I have this one and I would NEVER place it like that. It looks far too dangerous
Anyone have any opinions on this?