Ok guys, opinions needed-mean dentist!!!

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That is so strange that that happened to youbecause I had pretty much the same thing happen to me! My dentistcompletely humiliated me because I'm terrified of the hook thing andbegged her to PLEASE be careful not to hurt me. She looked and me withthis awful look (like I was dirt beneath her feet) and said "Are youkidding me?!? How old are you?!!?" GRRR!!! I swore then and there thatI would never go back to her. I have an appointment for the end of themonth to get a cavity filled and I want to call and cancel it but itssooo much trouble to find a new dentist and have to get new x-rays andwhatnot. But gosh, it makes me feel better (in a way) that mine isn'tthe only rude (among other things) dentist out there.
Hi Savannah!

I'm sorry this happened to you too! If I were you, I'd reallytry to find someone else OR is there another dentist in the sameclinic? You really shouldn't have to deal w/ that, theyshould deal w/ your anxiety...period. The new one I'm goingto said they can give either a) a tranq or b) nitris. I'vehad nitris. They charge about $50 per half hour for it, Ionly get it for extractions, but, if it's worth it for you for thecharge, it would work, just tell them to turn it up if your stillnervous and then you will go limp and they can go anything and youwon't care. That is the best advice I can give cuz I've beenthere so many times. I hope this helps. Do whatfeels best for you AND do not go there at all if they make you feeluncomfortable-that is not right. :) :kiss1:
Oh boy, just dug this up to post. SawJesse's post to this, she is a friggingag! Whereare you!!!!??????

Ok, so, I went back to the place I was originally at.

I tried a place that my brother loves, my aunt worked there, she passedaway in November last year. The person handling her job nowis an idiot, she didn't even send the claim to the rightplace:banghead. I mean, come on, I even gave her a number totalk to a person, that's what she said she needed, for my futurecare-not needed at this time anyway. She sent the first claimto the wrong address:huh. She finally faxed it to them viathe ins company who called the minute my husband walked in to talk tothem about it. Hhmm ironic? I think not.It just shows that she didn't do her job for 2.5 months. They were putin their place after going round and round for 2.5 months of hertelling me my insurance isn't right. Awful funny, I go backto my other place-no problem!

So, I had 3 fillings last Tuesday, 2 of which were redoes and big anddeep. Urg. Well, the dentist is new to me, I likehim alot. He's foreign and funny-my favorite! Hetold me last week that he gave me enoughnovocaine for a rootcanal:shock:.(Well, actually, they use something that startsw/ M on me.)

Today, I got 2 more one big redo (loose filling) and a smallerone. Boy, he shot me up right the first time, no stoppingneeded:). What he does though, is drill, fill. Thenif there is another, drill, fill that one. It takes a bitlonger, but I asked his nurse and there is a reason for that that theyget a better connection with the tooth, dunno. I also havepulp caps in two of the big fillings to hopefully prevent further rootcanals. But, boy, I walked out of there at 12:20 and wasstill numb at 5:30:shock::shock:. Gave me enough for an army,but, that's what I want. I don't want to feel anything, I amso sensitive. That other guy that I couldn't even get throughan exam with would have NEVER done.:disgust:

So, I am happy to report, that I have had 5 fillings in the last week. Doing well, just a tad sore at the moment;).

Oh, and as far as the jokes. I hate that thing that vibratesa ton after the normal drill. He calls it "GoodVibrations" then today when he started up the "normal" drillhe said that was "his music". How funny is that? Mybrother has been through as much as me and calls the big one a "jackhammer" and the small one a "sewing machine":D. I don't haveto go back for awhile now, just for a post and core and crown on a rootcanal. Yay. I am so proud of my adult self.:bunny17:
I was very sick years ago with chronic fatiguesyndrome and fibromyalgia. This was why my career as a psychiatricnurse ended. I was actually bedridden for several years and if I had togo through the pain and suffering from that ordeal again Iprobably would rather be dead.

These illnesses left me with extreme sensitivity to pain and touchwhich is almost the opposite from the way I had been before myillnesses.
because of this I became terrified of dentists and actually refused to go for years.

Finally I develloped problems so severe I had to find a dentist so whatI did was look at the ads for dentists advertised especially either forchildren or ones that dealt with people with extreme fear of dentalwork.
I found one that dealt with children and because of that felt that Icould explain my situation . He was very very understandingand patient and actually would tell me that if anything bothered me forme to tell him to stop what he was doing.
because of his patience I did get my dental work done because he sort of gave me the control
I thinkyour dentisit SHOULD have been reported because it isnot uncommon for people to develop fear of dentists after 1 badexperience....

and it is abusive to be so mean that you would cry
he was a jerk... i would report him... their wasno need to for him to act like that.... my family used adentist that turned out to be a jerk and i went and found anotherone... he wouldn't treat my daughter because he said she had a strongtongue and sent her 2 hours away to antother dentist who had noproblems with her and stated he didn't know what the first dentist wassaying... several people i know quit using him for different reasons...

I know he should and I need to follow up onit. They actually sent me the bill too, even though it'sminimal. The lady that I work with that goes to him has hadpast abuse in her life, maybe that's why she doesn't think he's ajerk:shock:.

Angieluv-The guy I am going to now does tell me that anytime I need orwant him to stop to put my left hand up. He's really nice andpatient:).

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