Hello! I am new to this site; my name is Julie and I have two young Lionhead children. The elder of the two is Meatloaf and she absolutely loves to play and binky all over the house.
My younger is Gnocchi and she is the sweetest, most affectionate rabbit I've ever seen. She enjoys taking naps with me and grooming me. Hehe. Anyway, I thought it would be polite to introduce ourselves before asking anything. So my question is about Gnocchi. As I said, she is extremely loving. She is the rare type of rabbit that enjoys constantly sitting on my lap and being held for hours and never tries to escape. However, she makes this strange, soft, oinking pig type of noise when I pet her. I've had five rabbits throughout my life, and she's the only one that's done this. I pretty sure she's not upset because she's not trying to run, her ears are up, and she licks me afterwards. There is no sign of her being annoyed, mad, or scared...in fact, she's quite content and especially does it as I rub her cheeks and head. So, does anyone know what this means? As I said, I'm unfamiliar with this sound and I'm hoping I'm not missing out on her message. Thank you in advance and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!