Ohio State Convention Sat/Sun May 5th&6th

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Of course I am going. It's just a day trip for me unless I decide to spend the night and we can have a 'girls' night out.'

HOWEVER I am putting on a big blindfold as soon as we see rabbits. NO! I will not bring any home. I am just going to meet the people.

Does anyone want a ride from the Medina County (Route 303 or 3 or 18) area? Warning - I speed, swear and smoke while driving.

Of course you are spending the night and having a "girls night out"!!!! All the girls are going to be there. We will get you drunk and make you tell stories about Melody! In fact, you can bring Melody and she can tell us stories about you.
She's serious about this folks. She scared me and I'm a fearless person. But, you can't meet a more caring, selfless person than Ann...so take that ride!!!You'll love her as much as I do.

seniorcats wrote:
Does anyone want a ride from the Medina County (Route 303 or3 or 18) area? Warning - I speed, swear and smoke while driving.
My mum is a crazy driver. She drives one of those giant vans so she's always yelling at people '' WTF I'M BIGGER THAN YOU!'' And thinks she can get away with anything.Its amazing how fast that beast can go with her at the wheel, but I just can't find the vroom vroom when I drive it. Thuogh everything seems to move much faster when you're in the pasenger seat and your fists are making love to the O Jesus bar.

I think I'll make Erron drive me up.
slavetoabunny wrote:
Of course you are spending the night and having a "girls night out"!!!! All the girls are going to be there.We will get you drunk and make you tell stories about Melody!In fact, you can bring Melody and she can tell us stories about you.

Oh now that's just evil! Melody wouldn't rat me out about my bad habits. Hm-m-m-m-m-m-m, yes she would tell all for a few Craisins. Miss Mel at a rabbit convention? Imagine the mayhem if she gave her Lagomorph Liberation speech to all those rabbits. Columbus would be in ruins.

I think Mel and her boy toys will stay home.

I am just concerned about seeing those cute Dutchies in the earlier pic's. Must have willpower.
Me! I can hardly wait. I think we're bringing 20 bunnies - maybe more....I'm not sure yet.


slavetoabunny wrote:
I thought I'd bump this thread since we're getting close to the date. Who isstill planning on going (me!!!!).
Jesse is happy to anounce that I now have a business partner! She and I wil be there along with my fiance', Erron. I'll be bringing my Dutch and Mandi will be showing my angoras and her first bunny she bought a few weeks ago. He's a kickin' sweet little chocolate E Angora buck.

I'll see you guys there! Look for my JAK Rabbitry apron and my good looks.

JAK Rabbitry wrote:
Jesse is happy to anounce that I now have a business partner! She and I wil be there along with my fiance', Erron. I'll be bringing my Dutch and Mandi will be showing my angoras and her first bunny she bought a few weeks ago. He's a kickin' sweet little chocolate E Angora buck.

I'll see you guys there! Look for my JAK Rabbitry apron and my good looks.


JESSE!! Hey girl! Glad to hear from you.
Last year I missed ALL of the judging because every time I turned around either someone wanted to deliver rabbits to me, pick up rabbits from me...or just talk to me in general.

This year I'm making myself a t-shirt that says "El Rey Lionheads" and something like "Peg went that-a-way" with arrows pointing in a bunch of different directions.

I want to see my rabbits judged this time!

I may get to go! It is awesome. I need some numbers though. And possibly directions. Can someone supply the costs and/or direct me to a website that will have said answers. (Ex: cost of getting in the convention, where it will beheld, etc) I could go look but I am pretty much too excited to do much. I have beaten my mom down, she is going to give in I can feel it. Because I told her I was going to get my dad (my real dad) to take me(mostly because he feels bad about lots of stuff) because we have some family in parts of OH. She said that sounded fine and that dad would probably take me. Oh I hope I can go!!!

:colors::colors: RaE
Hi! Glad you can make it (we hope).

First of all, the show is not only Lionhead Nationals - but the OhioState Rabbit convention. I think there will be something like 12,000rabbits shown there.

The only cost to attend the show (if you're not showing rabbits) is the parking fee to get in there - $6 for one time entrance or something like $12 for a weekend pass.

The show runs Saturday and Sunday. Saturday many of the specialty shows will be held - for example - the lionhead Nationals. But other breeds will be having shows too.

The show is held at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio...

Here is the website addy for information:


Here is the show catalog which really tells you more about the show:


The map to the show is on page 24, the schedule is on page 4 and page 11 has a list of some of the breeds that will be shown on Sunday for the state show itself.

Just one thing to consider....if you're hoping to buy a rabbit - bring CASH. Most rabbit breeders will not take checks from someone they don't know!

I don't know about the vendors there that sell rabbit supplies...


P.S. I think I've heard this is the second largest show in the nation for the amount of rabbits shown - but I don't know that for sure.

I see...I don't think that I would be buying a bun. As much as I would like to. I am not bringing any bun home until everything is here and set up and I have an emergency vet fund. First for that I need a job. Which I don't have yet. Even if I started tomorrow, I don't know if only one months pay would be enough for at least all the supplies with a bunny...(Money is definitly a condition for me). I would like to meet and see lots of RO peoples (and lots that aren't) and their bunnies. ^.^ No promises that I will be there yet,but it is looking good. ^.^


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