Well-Known Member
I just wanted to post about Pebbles. She has been having some minor 'issues' lately..
She hates beingpicked up,and I respectthat but there are times when I need to pick her up to get some knotsoff, get her comfortable with the nail clippers ect. I tried to get herout of her cage these last few days.. everytime it didn't go too well.She was fine when I had my hand under her chest, but as soon as I gonear her behind she scrambles away and runs like a maniac and a scaredmess. I left her then tried again in another hour or so.. no luck shedoes the same. I finally got her out today, but I cam out with my armslooking like something from a slasher movie. I don't have a problemholding rabbits, just I'm not confident with picking them up from theircages. Any suggestions on ways she'll trust me a bit more?Ireally need to be shown in person how to properly pick up arabbit, I do my best from what I read but I don't have theconfience enough and I hate picking up rabbits. It stressesboth me and the rabbit out so I try to avoid it.
I usually just get my dad to help me move her to the entrance area(she's a pain to clean up after with her markins if I let her runaround in the rabbit room) and put her cage on the floor so she cancome in and out of her cage, no picking up needed. Should I continuedoing this? She doesn't mind at all being moved to the other room inher cage. Is it cruel not to pick her up? I know she hates it butstill, if I don't get her comfortable with being held and being pickedup it'll be a problem when I need to cut her nails and she'll turn morewild.
I want to pick her by her scruff, that's how my cousin handles all herrabbits and they don't mind at all. It seems less stressfull thenpicking them up. Although I read you shouldn't do it, it seems like away better option then having her struggle and kick...
I just wanted to post about Pebbles. She has been having some minor 'issues' lately..
She hates beingpicked up,and I respectthat but there are times when I need to pick her up to get some knotsoff, get her comfortable with the nail clippers ect. I tried to get herout of her cage these last few days.. everytime it didn't go too well.She was fine when I had my hand under her chest, but as soon as I gonear her behind she scrambles away and runs like a maniac and a scaredmess. I left her then tried again in another hour or so.. no luck shedoes the same. I finally got her out today, but I cam out with my armslooking like something from a slasher movie. I don't have a problemholding rabbits, just I'm not confident with picking them up from theircages. Any suggestions on ways she'll trust me a bit more?Ireally need to be shown in person how to properly pick up arabbit, I do my best from what I read but I don't have theconfience enough and I hate picking up rabbits. It stressesboth me and the rabbit out so I try to avoid it.
I usually just get my dad to help me move her to the entrance area(she's a pain to clean up after with her markins if I let her runaround in the rabbit room) and put her cage on the floor so she cancome in and out of her cage, no picking up needed. Should I continuedoing this? She doesn't mind at all being moved to the other room inher cage. Is it cruel not to pick her up? I know she hates it butstill, if I don't get her comfortable with being held and being pickedup it'll be a problem when I need to cut her nails and she'll turn morewild.
I want to pick her by her scruff, that's how my cousin handles all herrabbits and they don't mind at all. It seems less stressfull thenpicking them up. Although I read you shouldn't do it, it seems like away better option then having her struggle and kick...