oh that little dreamer...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Southern, Illinois, USA
My bun, maomaochiu, was sleeping with his eyesclosed today, and i swear that he was DREAMING too, because his headkept dropping, and he wasalsogrinding his teeth andmoving his mouth, all these with eyes closed, like he was dreaming ofsome really good treats. it was soooooo funny to watch......just could not help from bragging :D

the pic below is when he woke up, all alert andgave me that look for waking him from his sweet sweet dream...

Well, he *is* cute, so why not say so? ;)

Nibbles sometimes "chews" in her sleep, too.
Aww...Maomaochiu is so cute...I see Flowerchewing and moving her little feet in her sleep sometimes, too, andcan't help but watch and very quietly giggle. It's socute!! :D
thanks, everyone! there is nothingthat makesa bunny mamahappier than hearing otherscomplimenting onher bunny.

and no, Haley, maomaochiu does not have a blog yet. i probably should start one.

here is another picture of maomaochiu being naughty. note hewas on my piano smelling his girl -- a bunny doll inminiskirt :D

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