Oh California :)

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I know how you feel. My lease technically is "no pets allowed", but after a lot of effort, I eventually convinced my landlady to add, 'one small, caged housebunny, if housemates agree'. Well, at first my housemates were pretty open to it. Then, one of them realized that she is allergic to most rabbits, so more stipulations were added: 1) he had to be a mini rex (apparently she doesn't react to them) and 2) he had to be a baby and 3) must be neutered when old enough and 4) must never roam in her bedroom.
Sooo, that's how I came around to the red mini rex that I'm getting now :) There were lots of other tempting colors- tris and harlies and whatnot, but when it came down to it, I've always wanted a red bunny.

Are you excited to be leaving for college soon? I'm going to be a sophomore this year, but I remember how exciting it was last year for me, even though I lived on campus. I can't wait to move into my house!! My best friend/roommate and 2 other girls are renting one house, and then my boyfriend and 4 of my other friends are renting another.
haha. Thats with mine too! I have a really tiny studio that my boyfriend and I are going to squish in so I don't have to worry about others being allergic, but the management ppl were kinda iffy on it. I just had to convince them its like an oversized hamster and that it will just have a larger cage to run around in, and they finally let me have it, or, my boyfriend have it. he did most the talking. lol.

College is going to be fun. i only go 3 days a week. 8 - 3.50 on tuesday and thursday and 5-9pm on sunday. I'm going tohate life on Tuesday and thursday but the rest will be fun. csu monterey bay isnt a great school, but the area is really pretty once you get into old monterey. and how fun! renting a house will be neat. how long have you and your boyfriend been together?
Oh well. Let's just be happy they agreed.
My boyfriend and I have been dating about a year, we met at the very beginning of school last year. Before him, I dated a boy for 2.5 years, until he joined the army :?
How long have you and your boyfriend been dating?
You will LOVE college life, trust me.
Aw. Thats sweet. It'll be three years on August 24th. And sorry about the army guy. I told shane he cant join. He used to want to like his dad did, but, i put an end to that. And yup. i'm really excited. I'm hoping to get more involved or a better job than I did in High School. I feel lame looking back and not doing much.
Michaela wrote:
Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Haha you won't get anybody here thinking you are weird! We are all bunny-crazy people! :D Have you ever had a rabbit before? The Bunny 101 section here are so so much wonderful information to help you be a great slave... uh.. I mean owner. ;)

Enjoy posting! :)
Welcome x

Yup, We are all bunnn bunnn mad on here - No one will think your wierd don't worry!
Cannot wait until you bring your little bailey home! Need some pics!

Love Becca and the gang xx


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