It is very very hard to post in my blog so soon after Hiccup has passed.
So lets give it a go, after all there are new pics, new stories and old remembered friends over the bridge that might just be smiling down.
We love you are your family and friends....
Latest pic of Rupert, a fine young man with a sleek coat, a sweet nature and a healthy appetite for sleep! Apparently he has always been a touch lazy, I occasionally see him run or binky a bit but mostly he smooches up to Timmy and doses the afternoons away.
The latest pic of the cuddly and loveable Timmy
Married Bliss
"OMG honey did you leave the camera on "
Little Iggy, a special little lady who could always do with a few more slices of apple please...she has a wicked sweet tooth...
Din Dins Bunny Bunny Bunny Bunny....
And here is a special treat fellow bunny lovers and slaves...
A lovely little grooming family....
Iggy gives Mum a kiss and a good lick...
"I am just making sure Mums face is clean"
"Man she needs a good clean"
"Hey Slip, how about a clean, you always get your face stuck in the food bowl"
"Aagh nice kisses"
JAzz is thinking "Whats going on, I want in"
Slipper is ONE LUCKY boy, two doting ladies... "you other fellows jealous much?" lol
Okay piggy in the middle, I'm beat...
Wait, hey "psst Slip, pass the carrot bud"
"Nevermind, I shall follow my nose"
"Just a bit over here, oops don't mind me Slip, crazy Mum only gives me carrot onc a week! "