Here are some updated pics.
They are off a more grown up Hiccup, Iggy and of course the sleek and gorgeous Jazz in Black and her mate, the irresistible Slipper.
My cuddles...Timmy is featured too
Enjoy...I will post up what I can
Timmy (Timara is her full name but I hardly ever call her Timara) Is she not just incredibly beautiful, she has started grooming my feet this week hen I am in the laundry room cleaning.
She is 4 years old.
These are Timmy's enemies. She does not like the chickens as they try steal her food, she chases them and it looks like a fun game but really I have to watch the chickens don't turn around and peck my baby.
Here is little Iggy who has grown into a sweet little teenager. She is over 3 months and is so lovely natured. She is quite docile in comparison to Hiccup, her hyperactive brother.
Here is a pic of Timmy, trying to get through to the other side of the fence. She can't. It is the home of the family of Jazz, Slipper, Hiccup and Iggy and Timmy is a jealous pet. She poses a real danger to Iggy and Hiccup and Jazz. She approves of Slipper but really I cannot have her in contact with the family as months of attempting to bond her have failed and she aggressively paces around the pen border! The bit of RED EYE is quite apt! lol.
Here is my baby Slipper, quite blind now and still very reliable on Jazz to help him navigate any obstacles etc. He is so lovely I could cry when I think of him...oh Slipper, just like my BK who I lost last year.
Here is Iggy saying hello to a sour faced Timmy...hehe, its kind of weird how cuddly, soft and sweet Timmy is in my arms but how menacing she is to the family of buns.
Chek out Iggy's amazing colours....
More to come soon, just get his lot up, please post rabbits love to know what you think !