Odd question...

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New Member
Nov 10, 2010
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Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA
Ok, so I'm sure this is probably one of the odder behavior questions that as been posed but it's legit.

My rabbit chews my hair. I will lay in his play pen with him (otherwise he chews the carpet) and watch TV while he plays. I don't sit still well and frequently wind up laying on my stomach on the floor, at which point it isn't long before he has hopped up on my back, is sitting on my shoulder like a parrot, and begins to chew on my hair.

He doesn't do this to my wife whose hair is much longer than mine.

Any ideas on how to make him stop?
One question...is he neutered?

My hubby has a Magpie lop...Guffy LOVES to sit on hubbys back while he is lying on his tummy and "groom" him. He doesn't do it to me...I think it is his shorter hair that appeals to him! It is a little distrubing to hubby since his hair is staging a strategic retreat in the first place...and he really can't stand to lose too much more!:big wink:

Once Guffy was neutered the grooming settled quite a bit...there was an unfortunate incident of eyebrow grooming...but we overlooked that one!
No, he isn't neutered. Don't really plan to, the rabbits I kept when I was younger became mean and anti-social after getting fixed.

I wouldn't care so much if it didn't hurt so much.
I can't say for sure if this phase will taper off and he'll find something else to groom...
We have an un-neutered male in our warren right now. In comparison to older un-neutered males we have taken in...it seems the behavior does settle.

You can always remove him when he jumps up on you...
Or try making a high pitched squealing noise when he trys to groom...it may deter him from grooming. This has never worked for us...personally.

Un-neutered males are incredibly lovey...so it depends on his personality...it may be a grin and bear it kind of situation! It must be nice to know he loves you enough to groom you!:biggrin:

As far as getting anti-social after being neutered...bunns will go through a teenage phase usually between 6months-1year of age...and like the name suggests...they ignore you, nothing seems to make them happy...lol :D
They do grow out of it! :rollseyes I am finally ALLOWED to pet and play withmy boyagain! :D I wasn't allowed to pet him or touch him for 3 months! :D
Well, I have the high pitched noise down. He usually pulls my hair and startles me when he does it. Doesn't seem to deter him much, he'll make a lap of the play pen and then he is back again.
Yup that sounds like a hormoney young man! :biggrin:

Hubby and I call them love-laps! Or victory laps...depends if he managed to spray us on the previous pass! :D
I have a spayed girl who *loves* to chew my hair when it's wet. I always wondered if she was grooming me or getting a drink because she doesn't bother me when it's dry.
Maybe wear a wooly hat? Or offer him something else to do... Scamp likes me to hold a willow or apple chew stick for him.

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