odd combination?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2004
Reaction score
, Maine, USA
I have three bunnies that all live together inone large cage. 2 are bucks and one is a doe. Noneare neutered/spayed but they are all bonded together. Fromwhat I understand 2 unaltered bucks are not usually going to getalong. With one doe I am amazed that they don'tfight over her. She for some reason doesn't get pregnanteither. All three groom each other and snuggle up and sleeptogether. It just seems odd to me-is it?

Yes, I'd be very careful. Personally I'd neverlet unaltered males with unspayed females. Mixed breeds are not highlysought after and she may actually becoem pregnant sooner or later.
I think you're playing a bit of Russian Roulette.For their long-term health and temperments, I would recommend youconsider spaying/neutering. But keeping them all together and riskingpregancy? :shock: They need to be seperated or fixed! There is adefinate rabbit overpopulation, and pet rabbit litters are preventable.
The plan is to get them all spayed/neutered soonif I can find a vet around here that will do it. Most vets inmy area don't really take care of rabbits thatmuch. They will do some basic stuff but don'treally have alot of knowledge about rabbits. When we got thefirst two I thought we were getting two female but Pappy soon wasobviously a boy. He and Snowball were bonded and she hadn'tgotten pregnant so I left them together and she still hasn't.Bugs was kept seperate for a while but they all got along and he hadoutgrown his cage so I added him in with the others. Theyhave all bonded and I figured seeing as how Snowball had not gottenpregnant as of yet that for some reason she couldn't. I'llhave to get her her own cage and seperate her.
I would say that is not too good of an idea. Ifthey are young, yes they might get along.. for now. Once those teenagehormones kick in I can almost assure there will be fur flying. I wouldeither seperate them or get them spayed/nuetered as soon as you canmanage.

Pappy and snowball are 8-9 months old. Bugs is a bit younger.

Nepo-thanks for the link. I checked it out but there was notone vet on there from Maine. My regular vet will look at themif I need her to but admits she has most of her knowledge on rabbitsfrom having one of her own and doing research on them. Wehave not discussed the spay/neutering yet. They know someonewho can. Getting that done is at the top of my priority listfor this year.

Depending on the breed the males may not havebeen mature enough to breed her yet, doesnt mean they wont.Mixed breedsare hard to find homes for.bluebird
Jems, they are reaching the age of maturity, if they haven't already.

They could be the best of friends but when hormones kick in, you couldhave some trouble. I wouldn't leave them togetheranymore. I would let them play but I would try to keep thedoe from getting pregnant. (get her a little bunny chastity belt! lol)and I would seperate them when they aren't out. One littletiff could kill one or the other :(
I have two bucks and a doe all in the same cage,but they are all neutured/spayed. When Valuran wasn't spayed it gotugly, so I'd get it done with your rabbits ASAP.Especiallyyour doe, you really don't want a litter of rabbits in that mix.

Excellent post!

So now that they are neutered and spayed, they do fine? Doesanyone seem the odd man out? or do they all get along?
I've always heard of 2 females and 1 male bondingtercets but not until now have I heard of successful bondings with 2males and 1 female! I can't seem to get my bunnies to bond with anyother rabbits! Mocha attacks any rabbit through the wire if he can(except Spice, he tolerates him being on the other side of the wire,just not the same side).

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