Odd Bunny Behavior

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kherrmann3 wrote:
slavetoabunny wrote:
Snowball has a wooden puzzle ball that she will push into her igloo. She then proceeds to throw it around inside the igloo. When she tires of this, she nudges the ball back out.
Toby does that, except he REALLY likes to put all of his toys inside of things. Like, he will pick up and throw a toy and plop it in his food bowl. I've seen him put a handful of toys in one little food bowl!
When I clean Snowball's pen, I usually put all of her toys inside her igloo. She then has to haul all of them out. It gives her something to do!
Baby Juliet wrote:
Really annoying behavior of being around my feet while I'm walking. One day I'm going to step on one or else trip and hurt myself.

My bunny does this too. He follows me everywhere. I really am afraid I will step on him!

I have his food/treats in a wicker basket, and whenever he wants a treat, he runs over to the basket, picks the bag of treats he wants, and carries them over to me, dropping it at my feet. :)
kacyrenee wrote:
I have his food/treats in a wicker basket, and whenever he wants a treat, he runs over to the basket, picks the bag of treats he wants, and carries them over to me, dropping it at my feet. :)
Wow! He has you trained well! :biggrin2:
My boy has only been here a few days, so I'm sure he'll have PLENTY of quirks to develop - Right now, if he's out for play time and wants to take a nap, he'll venture to the very top of the back of my futon (which isn't very thick at all) and attempt to balance himself there to do so :)

He also will poo nowhere but on my futon, no exceptions - We're trying to break him of that one though :) He seems to think the futon is his cage!
Clover likes to beat up her "puppy" - a stuffed rattle toy almost as big as her! LOL! She also likes to jingle her hanging toy with a bell on it....... so I don't forget it's time to feed her.... :rollseyes I think it's quite interesting since she's really a wild rabbit. She's very smart.

She can get herself under her blankie and tuck all the edges under and thinks we don't see her LOL... I can sometimes reach in and pick her up this way without a fuss!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
She can get herself under her blankie and tuck all the edges under and thinks we don't see her LOL... I can sometimes reach in and pick her up this way without a fuss!
I still need to see a picture of that! :p It sounds adorable.
Mika and Sasha both do this--I have long fingernails, so when they want attention or want me to groom them, they bite (softly) my nails and fling my hand up over their heads. I've learned that it means I better do some grooming and petting quick or they get mad!!! LOL! Silly bunnies!!
Diggs will not set foot on the hardwood floor. If his treat ball rolls off of the carpets, he will put 2 feet out, but that's it! Too slippery maybe? Does anyone else have buns that won't go off the carpet? Can I train him to walk on the hardwood?
Kyla wrote:
Does anyone else have buns that won't go off the carpet? Can I train him to walk on the hardwood?
Scone won't go off carpet, either. It's very slippery for a bun with fur on the bottom of his feet, and it scares him. Rarely, if I'm cooking, he'll sort of inch his way into the kitchen to see if any treats will fall out, but that's about it.

Fortunately, most of the house is carpeted. I've put out mats in the bathroom and a short way into the kitchen, and he leaps from one to another like Eliza crossing the ice.
Kyla wrote:
Diggs will not set foot on the hardwood floor. If his treat ball rolls off of the carpets, he will put 2 feet out, but that's it! Too slippery maybe? Does anyone else have buns that won't go off the carpet? Can I train him to walk on the hardwood?
My own two rabbits, Sparky and Scooter, wont' go on the hardwood floor unless it is to traverse from one carpet to another. You would think after 4 years they would be used to it. My fosters, however, are fearless. They will run all over the floor.
When I first took my bun home on break, he did the same thing with the hardwood floor. It took him a few days to get used to it, but he finally got sick of being pinned to the rug, so he was soon dashing all over the house. :)
My guys love the linolium, it is my dog Winnie that freaks about it. Her dad was the same way but everything scared him, I miss him. We use an automatic water thing because all the animals go through so much water of thedayand when Biscuit would drink out of it sometimes it would bubble and he would freak out and go sliding trying to get away. He would get to the carpet and hide behind something and watch the thing :DI so miss it :cry2

The only thing really annoying with Mousse and Becca is they want to taste everything :pssd:plastic bags, metal, boxes, anything lying around is tasted and if they like it they try to eat it! I am constatly running around pulling something new out of their mouths.

Z is having depth perception problem is it is hard walking around him. You step over him and he runs around and you end up hitting him anyway, it is hard :twitch:
Yep, sounds like he's claiming you - my oldest daughters ND buck would do this to her (I'm sure he imprinted on her) and he was never neutered. He would lunge and growl if my son tried to approach his cage - he sure knew who 'his' female was.
Later, after he had his own bunny-girl, he settled down.
My rabbit, Toot, will jump up on the bed if we're eating something. She'll grab the edge of the plate and just book it. It's not very efficient, the food flies everywhere, and she's usually left with an empty plate, and us with crumbs in our bed.

She also loves clothes that are strewn over chairs. She tries to rub her chin on the hanging sleeves and run around underneath them.

She likes to announce her presence in the bedroom by running through the doorway, thumping a big loud thump, tossing her head and hopping on into the room.

She HATES closed doors. She digs against the other side until it starts to open, then uses her teeth to gently open it till there's just enough space for her to hop through... whether she wants to be in that room or not...

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