Hi Ainsleys_mommy
I'd just like to agree with what everyone here has already said.
Yes - it's a little hard to tell from the photos, but there's nothing that immediately stands out from them about your buns being way overweight.
The advice mrbunny above gives about how to tell if your rabbit's overweight is spot on. If you're still not sure then why not give your vet a call and have a chat over the phone - that way it won't cost you anything and you should be able to feel happier in your own mind about whether or not they're a healthy weight. If you really are concerned then take them along and get a health check up.
Fruits are generally high in sugar, so should really be kept to a minimum. Good idea to get the marked down veggies when you can. But just take care not to introduce new foods together, and only in small amounts.
Yes, buns can survive quite happily on hay & pellets, but providing greens when you can will help keep their diet as close to what they would naturally eat in the wild as possible. But as one of the posters says above, as long as they are eating, drinking, peeing and pooping as normal, and don't seem lethargic then you can be happy that all is well with them.
Another sign of obesity is lethargy and/or an inability to groom themselves properly, especially around their rear end. If you're not seeing any of these problems and they don't actually 'feel' fat under your hands, then I wouldn't be too concerned.
Good luck with the college course, btw.
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