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Julie, I think you'll have a lot of jealouspeople here when you're able to see him! I had friends overtoday and he's fine with strangers and cuddled on my lap for awhile. Now if I can just get him littertrained...

I should be able to start bonding again soon. I've beenexplaining to Oberon that if he likes it here, he has to learn to playnice with the ladies. Then he'll be able to play in my livingroom, lounge on my couch, and be groomed by two lovely ladies.:agree
I really hope he bonds to your girls... he looksso happy there and I would just die if he had to be re-homed again andwe never got any updates on the big handsome boy!

*Grabs Oberon and runs while no one is looking.*
If he doesn't bond with the girls I would hopethat someone on Ro could adopt him from Angela and Julie..then we wouldknow he was OK and never lose track of him...please go to off topic formy big New years greeting to Oberon and everyone
I really hope that if I can't keep him, he'llget a home with someone who'll keep us updated. He reallydoesn't do well traveling so I don't know if I'd be comfortable sendinghim too far.

We had another bonding session today. At first I just sat onthe floor with Oberon in my lap. Fey and Sprite didn't comeover, but they did notice him and Fey did a few smallbinkies. I lured them over with some pieces of apple peel,and then they were interested and were sniffing him. ButOberon grunted and scared them away.

So we went to the couch and had Fey and Sprite snuggle with him one ata time. I think he did try to nip Fey, but he snuggled withSprite. Maybe he likes her more.

Earlier this morning I brought him upstairs so James could help megroom him. He had some small mats that were coming loose andI wanted to get them all off. He also needed to be brushed,and we checked out a thick callus on his back heel. While wewere doing this, the kittens got interested in him. Lily, wholikes my other buns, was a little intimidated. Eve, who isnot so good with the other buns, was very interested. Shekept pushing her nose in his fur, rubbing her chin on his head, and Ithink she was trying to get Oberon to groom her. He didn'tseem to mind at all and just sat there, snuggling. I managedto grab the camera before Eve decided he was just a boring long-earedcat and left.

When he was at my house after his neuter he didget along fine with my big orange cat William...William is about 18lbs. and likes all my bunnies so I'm not surprised thatOberondid OK with the cats.
That's too cute...I wouldn't have noticed Evethere, with her dark color and James' dark shirt, if you hadn'tmentioned she was there. Hehe!! Kitties can hideeven when they don't mean to! :D
Hi everybody! This is Fey. Isnuck onto my Mom's computer. Mom's busy putting Oberon backdownstairs today and I wanted to tell you a secret. Spriteand I both like Oberon. We had a conference last night andagreed that he was a hottie. So today when Mom brought himupstairs and put him in her lap while we were playing, we both hoppedright up and licked him on the nose.

Best of all, he has learned some manners and did not grunt at us this time.

After all, sisters have to stick together. Can't have one of us like him and the other one hate him, can we?

Now maybe Mom will let him play with us upstairs instead of keeping him confined to her lap.


Love and whisker kisses,

Hi Fey...I knew that you would discover thatOberon was one big hunk of bunny...I know that you and Sprite won'thave any problems sharing him as their is lot ofhim to go around. And tell your mom that maureen couldn't be happier :D
Hello, little cutie Fey! :)

This is Maisie (and Flower, too!). I'm happy to hear you guysnow have a new friend! We're not sure what we think about theidea, yet. We keep hearing about some bunny named Trixie, andthat she's coming here (HERE, can you believe that?), but we've bothagreed that we don't want to share our cages with her. (Mamasays that's just the hormones talking, but we don't think so...)

Oops...here comes Mama!! *hippity hopping away*

Wait a minute, what were those girls saying on here?? Hehe...goofballs!!

I'm happy to hear that your girls are happy with Oberon. Three white cuties! YAY! :D

:bunnydance::bunnydance: Maisie and Flower are doing a Happy Bunny Dance in their cages, hehe!
Wesley here!

Well, you girls let me know if it doesn't work out over there. I wouldlove to get a little grooming once and a while. Oh, if you come overhere, watch out for the little grey and white ball of terror. She's sofast, you just don't see her coming!

But as I am so laid back and easy going, I can wish you well with thatbig white guy.

:great:What good girls!

Lots of treats followed, I presume?! Keep up the good work! :bunnyheart:bunnyheart:bunnyheart
Hey all! I thought I'd give a quickupdate. Oberon is still very sweet and happy, and I thinkhe's bonding to me!:shock: His muscle tone is noticeablyimproved and he is frequently jumping up onto chairs and doing higherbinkies now. I also finally figured out how to make him use alitter box, the fussy boy. Now he's very good.

As for bonding, well that's still a bit blah. On Friday Istarted doing floor sessions with him and both girls in the living room(Fey and Sprite's territory, but they're more comfortable init). Fey is shy, Sprite is interested, but Oberon nips herwhen she gets too close and sometimes tries to fight more thanthat. Yesterday Sprite got mad started batting athim when he nipped her.

So what we tried today was putting Oberon in a harness, which he takesto very well. Now we can control him better.For now we're not letting the girls get too close, just letting themwatch each other and get used to each other's presence. Andwe're switching litterboxes, etc., a lot. Oberon seems scaredof them but he does remind me of Loki when I was bonding him to Mocha,just more aggressive. I think he can learn to like them , hejust has to get over his fear and learn that it's nice to have otherbunnies around. We'll continue the bonding sessions withOberon in the harness and let them get used to each other.Maybe do some snuggling too.
Sounds great!

He's lucky to have someone as patient and experienced as you. Soundslike it will take some time for him to learn to trust other bunnies,but Im sure all this socialization if great for him.

Keep up the good work!
After moving his litterbox around, hay rackabove it, near it, hay in the litterbox, hay in a wicker basket next tothe litterbox, I finally got a second one, put it next to the firstbox, and put hay in the second box but not in the first one.Now he sits in the first box and eats hay out of the second.So he's also finally eating a decent amount of hay, too!:D

Kudos go to James because he thought of using the harness.Thankfully he's the same size around as chubby Lily so we can usehers. We've been brainstorming for the last day or so andthis is the best idea we've come up with.

Oh, and I've decided I am never, ever, EVER letting an unneutered buckin this house! Oberon's opened up those stinky scent glandstwice now during bonding. Mmm, skunk smell! :vomit:

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