Bo B Bunny
Well-Known Member
LMAO! I would love 34 rabbits in my house, but I Wouldn't like cleaning them !!!
Lost my mind?!?!?! Did i have one toloose????? LOL Talk about taking something out on context... LOL onereason we are moving, the buns will have 700 sq feet of my house all tothemselves,permantly set up play room..the dogs hubby birdsand i will share the other 1500 sq feet...Gabby wrote:I have some thoughts on this....HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?????? :shock:i have 34rabbits in my house, ....... thoughts on this?
ahhh come now cleaning isn't so bad LOLthat is one time good litter habbits is GREATLY appreciatedLMAO! I would love 34 rabbits in my house, but I Wouldn'tlike cleaning them !!!
Woodypet is my friend4.99 for a big bag of litter... approx1 bag a week, thats 20$ to 25$ of litter a month tops $30.. not badI can't imagine the cost of it all! Litter alonewould be a fortune!
700 sq ft huh? Pretty nice. Can I move in? lol
woodypet rules!!! LOL You can use very little andit asorbs so much, then you don't waste as much when you completelydump the box.I love woody pet! However, I don't know if youremember when I switched over around a month ago? I stillhave the large bag I got and it's about 1/3 full LOL!
I change Bo's litterbox completely, about every other to every thirdday. I really like to do it every other day but misssometimes.
Do you feed purina?