O/T SweetPeasDaddy's mom needs prayer

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:shock2: Oh My God!!

I'm speechless.

Oh Goodness, what ahorrible situation for you and thefamily. Oh SPM, my thoughts and prayers are with you andyours at this most difficult time. I wish I had the words orpower to help more than that.


SweetPeasMommie wrote:
DJ and I need prayers to stay strong for this especially DJ cause he is going to loose his mom in the matter of time.


Angel and DJ
We're praying! I'm so sorry.

Thank you guys. He is with her now since my IBSis not coroporating with me. I feel like I have throw up in my througt.I wanted to be there. I will be there tomorrow.
I am so sorry for you and your family! I don't know what to say.

Your love and support for each other is wonderful! You really need that right now.

Prayers for your family from us.:pray:
Angel and DJ: I'm so very sorry for thisnews. I just can't begin to tell you how I feel for you rightnow. I've been in a similar situation with my Dad and Iwatched my Aunt pass from cancer. Please know you are in mythoughts and prayers. I will be praying that DJ's Mom can bekept comfortable as right now that is the most importantthing. Please let me know if I can do anything at all.

I just want to come in real quick and tell youall tha tI thank you for your prayers and support. Yourgenerous thoughts and prayers mean so much to us. May Godbless you all and keep you under His tender care. Thanksagain.
I am so sorry. Idon't even know what to say. I hope you can feel all or our love andsupport and that somehow you will find the strength you need to getthrough this sad time.

Thank you Raz. I think it will hit me more whenwe go to the hospital. I have not seen her since she went back in. I amnervous to see what not to expect cause I know that she has beenloosing weight quite quickly. I am just numb right now just like I waswhen I found out that my grandfather passed away from a massiveheartattck and it did not hit me hard until the next day.
Well we tried calling his dad at the hospitallast night but they never answered the phone. So we got a bit nervousand we went out there. Mom had a fever of 106.00 and they had coolingblanket on her. The doctors never told her that the cancer is allthrough out her body. This morning we came in to see her again and hisdad decided not to tell her at all. The doctor only gave her a weekmaybe 2 weeks if lucky. They are going to let dad bring mom home so shecan be at peace. I am not sure when they are going to release her butshe will be at our apt until her last days.

I am just a wreck right now that I can not think or do anything. Shehas been my Angel since I moved out of my parents house just before ourwedding and we both bonded well. I love her dearly and I just wish Iknew her longer than 5 years. She calls me her very special specialspecial daughter. She told me that last night when she awoke fromhaving a fever and never waking up from the anesethsa. My main concernis DJ and his dad right now cause they both are his mentor and the loveof life. Him being 30 and them being in their 60's is hard at that age.But they both looks up to him as the one and only special friend, son,and love. We both opened our doors to them when his mom first got sickand they moved in with us almost a month ago. She got to come home for3 days to play her favorite game on the pc and feed her grandfurrybabies (guinea pigs) she got to meet MeatHead once.

We all need strong special prayers right now. I am trying so hard to bestrong for them and I jsut can. All I do is let down and cry.

Thank you so much for the special prayers and love.

Angel, DJ, and MeatHead.

Here is his mom and dad. Shirley Lewis and Don Lewis.


You are doing the right thing bringing herhome. She needs to be with the people who love her,not some strange doctors and nurses.

I also think not telling her is a good idea! You'll probablywind up having more time with her that way. I'm so sorryyou're going through all this.

Love and prayers,

Donna, Scott, Poco, Hef, Skittles & JawsII

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