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my brother had a hot friend spend the night onsaturday for his 20th Birthday! LOL.. they were up the whoooole nightplaying Socom! LOL

And i wish i had a20 Pack of Red Bull! That stuff is goooood!LOL
Let's see here.....

In two days in my area (talking town population near 1,000) three fatalaccidents have happened that killed the lives of four people.

Neighbors need to keep their mouths quiet. :) Long story but resultedto a cop at my house yesterday. Being the typical me, since I hadnothing to do with it I went ahead and fed and watered my birds withthe cop standing right there. I was getting ready for a party andwasn't gonna let a cop stop me! :pThe funny thing is.. thecop was laughing over the issue that brought him to town.

We are to get yet MORE snow between tonight and tomorrow. Totalaccumalation about 3 to 6 inches. This stinks because I've got my finalexam on Wednesday and my area 'shuts down' when we get snow above 2inches. You can imagine what happened when we got 24 inchesLOL! Talk about drifting roads! So this means I've gottaclean the rabbitcages before the snow hits and hope that mycollege will close if I can't make it in. However, college NEVER closesaround here as most people live in this city therefore have publictransportation.

I think thats all for now. :p

It's supposed to snow 6-10 inches today! ughh...no going anywhere for a while...

I'm looking for a job, until I start school in August...

Can't stop thinking about how a boy in the middle school I went to dieda few weeks ago from the flu....didn't think people were still dying ofthe flu!!! I'm very scared!

Also, I'm having a trainer come work with my dog after 7 years ofbadness!! hehe...no, we're just working on coming, not pulling on theleash, and not being so afraid of strangers..

My random thoughts of the day,

The last time i had asthmatic bronchitis, waslike seven years ago, which is also the last time i got sick.........ihave it right now! agh, i got sick again, i'm at school and just gotback from the doctor's, he perscribed an inhalor............it's not asbad as i thought. it doesn't really taste all that bad......

Bo B Bunny wrote:
babybunnywrigley wrote:
Itsnowed this morning :D
It's snowing right now!

I'll be getting it soon!

I love listening to Bo B Bunny's weather reports because an hour or solater I get the same weather. LOL! She's my weather women! :p

I'm really hoping that class getscancelled tomorrow. We're supposed to get dumped on, and I couldreally use the extra time to work on a project
Yuppers :DWe've got rain right now.. uggh! Wasn't raining this morning tho...

Bo B Bunny is now my Weather Bo B Bunny. ;):p
*sigh* Well, last thursday my friend and I wereinvolved in a hit and run. An old lady side swiped us and then tookoff. We got the plate numbers and filed the report. Of course, thepolice seem in no hurry to do anything. Not hearing from them, I calledin today and they said they were waiting on my drivers license number.Well how they heck am I supposed to know you need it if you don't calland ask me?! Ugh! I wish people would do their jobs..

Plus I found out my best friend was in a pretty bad accident Fri.Around here the roads are made up of super scary curves without anyguard rails. Well, she was going around a nasty curve, and the guycoming towards her rounded it at the same time, he was in her lane soshe swerved to miss him. She ended up going off the road, her carrolled down the ravine, and her car wrapped around a tree. She, beingstupid, wasn't wearing her seatbelt and was ejected from the car. Shewoke up, climbed back into her car to get her phone, called herboyfriend, told him to call the police and come get her, and thencalled her dad, who she passed out on the phone with. She woke up inthe ambulance, and then spent the better part of her weekend in thehospital.

She is very lucky though. I always yell at her to wear her seatbelt,maybe she will now. She had a piece of a branch stuck in her leg about1in, and had 5 stitches along with a tube in her leg. She also has somehuge cuts on her back and head. She really is lucky to be alive. I amkind of upset she didn't call me though- I feel like I was the lastperson to find out. :(

m.e. wrote:
I'mreally hoping that class gets cancelled tomorrow. We're supposedto get dumped on, and I could really use the extra time to workon a project
LOL little behind there m.e.??

Well, Dwarf_Angel, my son is going to be a weather man if things go his way in the next few years! LOL!
I was sitting in the other room watching a moviewith hubby and I hear Matthew in the kitchen say "Mom . . . I thinkyour fountain is broken -- it's filling up at the top and overflowingall over."

Me: "Matthew! Did you put popcorn seeds in the fountain again!!! :X"

Matthew: "Yes Mommy -- I did."

Well - At least he's honest LOL

haha thats cute... Last week when i was at workmy son was carrying around a doll and i thought it was cool my husbandwasnt making a big deal out of it... I guess since Tyler stripped itsclothes and pulled its hair off its head it was ok.. I take a closerlook and see a bib that is remaining. The doll was a expensive doll.One of my birthstone dolls. I was a little upset but Tylerjust was wanting to play with a dolly.

pamnock wrote:
I was sitting in the other room watching a movie with hubby andI hear Matthew in the kitchen say "Mom . . . I think your fountain isbroken -- it's filling up at the top and overflowing all over."

Me: "Matthew! Did you put popcorn seeds in the fountain again!!! :X"

Matthew: "Yes Mommy -- I did."

Well - At least he's honest LOL


LOL Pam, Honesty is a good quality to have, even if it does cost you a fountain LOL
That same night, I had sat down on the couch (to watch the movie) -- andthe couch was soaking wet :X

Me: "Matthew!!!! Why is the couch wet!!!!?????"

Matthew: "Mommy, will you be mad if I tell you?"

Me: "No"

Matthew: "I spilled my whole bowl of soup all over the couch, but I called the dog in to lick it all up".

And here I was so happy to see the empty bowl in the kitchen earlier -- I thought he had eaten all his soup :?

The fun just never ends here . . .

It snowed all night!! Got about 8-10 inches of reeeealy wet heavy stuff.

Schools are closed. My wife is home sick. We had a delayed opening atwork. Roads were ok, but slippery in places. Forget the side roads.They plowed my driveway in...twice. There was ice on the car under allof the snow. I couldn't find my gloves so I tore the house up lookingfor them...my wife borrowed them to go walk the dog. Blah blah blahsnow, blah blah blah ice, blah blah cold, blah moving somewhere warm.

I love the winter?? :?

Those stories were The Best. Give that Little Mon a kiss and hug for me.


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