O/T: Neighbor Problems -- Again

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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
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Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
A few months ago, I posted that my neighbor hadthreatened my dog with a hammer. Well, things had quieteddown for a little while. It's been getting progressivelyworse again. Today he was out there threatening Harley againand when I went out to get Harley (as soon as he started to bark) hetold me he was going to "kill that dog".

I went inside and started to e-mail the ASPCA about all these problems,when I had a knock at my door, the police. Apparently theneighbor reported that he feels threatened by my dog. Iexplained all the problems to the cop and he was really nice andbasically agreed that the neighbor is an all around problem, but saidhe can't do anything unless the neighbor actually does something.

So, now I don't know what to do at all. Shawn and I arelooking for a house, but we just haven't found anything. Iknow I need to take the dog out on a leash from now on, just to makesure nothing is done to him, but Harley just loves to be outside allthe time and I'm concerned to leave the house if the neighbor isoutside. It's an awful situation. I really needsome advice, I just don't know what to do anymore.


Edit: Well, I tried to e-mail the ASPCA, but the local contact's e-mailisn't working. Does anyone know someone to contact?I just want to make sure I have everything on record, just in case ofthe unthinkable.
Hi Jen,

What a psycho the guy is! I definitely wouldn't let Harleyout without you anymore. I'd be afraid of him poisoning himor something horrible like that.

There's really little you can do at this point other than what you aredoing. Keep looking for a house. Somethingwonderful will come up and it'll be where you were meant tolive. In the meantime, try not to get too upset that Harleycan't roam free. It's a temporary situation, and it's bestfor him. He'll manage okay.

Thank God you're not roped into having to stay in that house.I have a feeling that as odd and difficult as this situation is foryou, it's going to catapult you to get to the next home where you'remeant to be.

Will pray for peace and a better living environment to present itself sooner rather than later for you and yours.

That's terrible? How can somebody threaten a dog (or any other animal) like that? Is he even "doing" anything wrong?

Do you know any of your other neighbors? Maybe some of them could helpyou keep an eye out for this guy. He sounds like a creep. Aside fromthat... can you afford video cameras?
Hi Jen!

We've also had a similar problem with a nut in our neighborhood. Hehates anybody that walks a dog past his house....even if it's on theother side of the street.

We called the cops seveal times and they said they couldn't do anythingwithout some kind of evidence. One day the guy spit on my daughter andwe called the police and still nothing was done...in fact the policereport never got file!! A few weeks later he was yelling at my daughterwhen she got off the school bus....she didn't even have the dog!!!

Long story short.....get yourself a small low-light video cam and carryit with you or keep it handy at all time. If you can catch him on videothe police have to take action.
What an awfull situation to be in what anutter,here in the uk i,m pretty sure if we rang the r.s.p.c.a andexplained the situation they would come out and check your dog and ifeverythings ok they would go round to your neighbour and give him anofficial warning.In the meantime i would,nt let my dog out .
this is going to sound stupid but i think that it is really unfair that u cant have protection orders taken out on pets.
i would make sure the keep harley inside unlessyou are outside to supervise!! id hate for something bad tohappen. also you may want to just phone your local humanesociety if you talk to them in person something will be donealot quicker! i really hope that someone talks to thatneighbor really soon and also hope that he realizes that if he does dosomething to your dog he can get jail time forit!! i wish the best on you guys beingable to find another house!
I agree that you shouldn't let Harley outwithout someone with him. My uncle's dog got poisoned by a nut neighborand I would hate for that to happen you.

Also, I agreethatavideo camera is a goodidea. Anything todocument this behavior and to protectyourself.

In the meantime, know that it's a temporary situation, as horrible asit is right now. Youwill be moving soon.

I definitely would not let Harley outside unless he was supervised.

We have a current case here in Ohio where an 84 y/o man kidnapped theneighbor's little poodle because of "persistent barking"....he took thedog to a local stream and drowned it! The TV stations wereshowing pictures of the poor little thing floating dead in thewater....it was horrible! Anyways, the man was arrested andis awaiting trial. But the dog owners had everythingdocumented...they had answering machine tapes of himthreateningto kill the dog.

If you have a video camera or a tape recorder of sometype Iwould take it withyou every time you are outside so you canuse it if necessary. Can you let the dog outside in anotherarea that is not near his house?

You just never know how people are going to react....this man does not sound like he wants to be reasonable.
I'm sorry to hear things are getting worse again...

We had a house FULL of nut jobs in our old house. We had camerasinstalled, it was pretty cheap. It's even cheaper if you can do ityourself. Look online, or in the phone book!

I hope this all resolves itself with out any harm being done to yourfamily, but like everyone is saying, I wouldn't let Harley out withouta leash, and you or your husband. With all these wack jobs around theworld poisining poor family pets, I wouldn't put it past the nut youlive next to!

Poor Harley...

Thanks for the advice. I've been ableto move him to a slightly different part of the yard where I canconstantly watch him out the window or off the porch, my momand her fiance (it's their house) are going to look into having camerasinstalled. Basically he's caused trouble for my mom's fiancefor years and years, so I'm sure there will still be some sort oftrouble after Harley and I are gone so. I talked to mybrother and he said I can borrow his digital video camera thisweekendand keep it until whenever. I intend to takeit outside all the time. He's a nosy man, so I know he'llknow I have it, but...

My biggest fear is him poisoning him. We had a dog that waspoisoned when I was little and we never had any idea who did it orwhy.

I'm going to be calling the Humane Society today.

If it were me I would also put a lawn sprinkler closest to your neighbors "nosey viewing spot"....

.....and then turn it on anytime he's there.

"Gee whiz,it was an accident, sir!"

I did that once to a policeman by accident (no.... really by accident).He understood and it was summer so he said that it actually cooled himoff a bit and we both laughed (my laugh must have sounded reallynervous).

Or just keep a garden hose handy. You wouldn't believe how a shot of cold water can stop someone IN THEIR TRACKS.

Sic 'em!!!!!
Oh, trust me I've debated many things, like the following:

First I thought I could be somewhat civil andsimply or maybe just tell him he's a Thenthe angrier I got, the better this seemed but I have a feeling he needs a more physicalapproach


This has got me so upset for you! DocumentEVERYTHING!! Keep a calendar up and write EVERYTHINGdown. 5-12-05 9:27am, neighbor threatned Harley with ahammer. Even if your neighbor yells at you. Even ifyour neighbor spits at Harley. Write down the date andapprox. time. If anything were to happen, you will have allof these records that show how your neighbor has been harassing you andHarley. Can you afford one of those 'nanny cams?'If you can, I would strongly suggest putting one up (so you can rolltape while you are gone). Does Harley have to betied up all day?

I am so sorry to hear about this! Same thing happened to afamily dog years, and years ago. Damn neighbor pouredanti-freeze on our dog. We were lucky. We found himsoaked and licking his coat. We quickly washed himup. Our neighbor denied it. And there wasanti-freeze ALL over the wall clearly from where someone in his yardpoured it over. If you can keep Harley away from access fromyour crazy, nasty neighbor, do it. I am sorry to hear aboutthese troubles. Keep us posted!

Hugs to you & sweet Harley!
Kricket -- Thanks for the ideas.Harley isn't outside all the time. He's only out when he hasto potty or he just wants to be out there. He likes itoutside, but now that has been ruined. I've been keeping alog, and I plan to have it just in case. I just had to addthe fact that when Harley and I were getting into the car, he shoutedover "did you enjoy your visit with the police?" I wassteamed!!!

Basically I've decided that he better become the quietest person on theface of the planet. He needs to stop revving his engine inthe middle of the night. He needs to stop banging around inhis garage and on the broken-down cars in his yard (he's a little red)and his dogs need to stop barking at me every time I leave myhouse. If he does even one of these things, I'll be callingthe police.

I am in a situation similar to yours.I am always so frightned of retaliation. I lock my bunnieshutch with a lock and key. I ALWAYS lock the gate and justhope these nasty neighbors of mine won't do anythingterrible. We think they even mess with our cars and egg ourhouse. Our neighbors dogs would jump their fence and get outand chase kids and people walking their dogs (on leashes) aroundviolently. These pit bull mixes are veryintimidating. They got out and recently attacked a manwalking his Rottweiler. Funny thing, my brother and I werepacking up my car for a road trip to Tombstone. I had mycamera in my hand and I snapped pictures of these two pit mixesattacking this man and his dog. I ran after the man and toldhim to come to my house in a few days to get the developedpics. He sued them for vet and doctor bills. It wasthe absolute last straw when one of those dogs threatned my little broon his way home from school. He had to defend himself withhis violin case. That ticked me off AND broke my heart thatmy sweet bro had to worry about walking home!! We calledanimal control and the police. They had to build their fencehigher and got a big fine. We document anything that seemsodd or out of the ordinary. We were broken into twice in thelast three years, been vandalized, one of our cats appears to have beenhurt. It is awful. We've lived there for 13 yearsand it is no fun not feeling safe and cozy in your own house.
Please keep us posted and good luck!. Glad to hear you arewriting everything down. Perhaps we should take up acollection for a nanny cam for you ;)

Hugs for you and Harley! Krick
Oh Jen. How simply awful. My heart is breaking for you.

I was given a puppy as a gift years ago. A Newfoundland pup, myfavorite dog. I loved him with all my heart. Bear was my best friendand we went everywhere together. Sadly when he turned 5 months old Ilost him. He suddenly became deathly ill and passed away. Some sickphycho went around the neighborhood and poisoned 75 dogs. I wasdevestated after losing Bear and I have never fully recovered. Ipersonally have never owned another dog since.

I only say this because I want you to be sure and not letHarley eat anything while outside. I thought Bear was munching somegrass or a bug, it was a small bit of poisoned meat.

I think the video and camera are excellent ideas as are keepingdocumented listings of each threat. What a complete well I can't saywhat and keep it clean. I know it probably sounds silly but Iknow it's true...God Don't Like Ugly. One day he'll get what he's beendishing out. Until then please be safe my friend.

I will keep you and Harley in my prayers. I know you will findthe perfect house and it will probably be sooner rather than later. Youpoor thing. Hugs for you and Harley and Shawn.

Hmmm i vote for mob justice.

Seriously though, the problem is that yes you can documenteverythingand the like. This,however, isreally only good if he does something -- then it is too late the damagehas been done.

I mean thinking about it*disclaimer this is is no way meantto be contrued in anyway as legal advice* there are several things youcan do depending upon the type and severity of the menacing.

Mysuggestion is to contact the local Bar association,ifPittsburghas one, and ask if they haveacommittee or section of animal welfare/abuse. I amallllllllmostpositive the state bar associationwould.

a. Find a few contacts from thislist. Atty's that are part of the committee for areason-- they tend to be activists and they love animals.

b. Contact one of the atty's and/organizations and explainthe situation to them. They may be able to help you withoutcharging you... [not all of us lawyers work to make richpeople richer]. Even at the least you can give them somemoney and have themwrite a letter to theneighborinforming the guy that if the actions toward your dogdo not stop then he may face legal reprocussions.

If the threats have been severe enough and with a certain regularityyou may have legal rights == as in a harassment or intentionalinfliction of emotional distress suit. Something along thoselines.

Besides getting someone else involved legitimizes and validates yourclaims and assertions. Yes you have a notebook with all ofthe entries butit is soething all together different if youhave atty's correspondence documenting the case.

Also note that if he ever remotely steps on your property, you shall call the police and file tresspassing charges against him.

Again all of this has to be tempered with the fact that he may just get reallly mad and do something serious.

BTW: I do not know whether it was on here or an news site, but a womanrecieve apporx 50K after some neighbor killed her cat.

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