I'm so sorry Jen (u dont no me!) Im sure yoursick of hearing that people are sorry but i really am. Its hard losinga family member, my step sister who ive known since i was born died 2years ago and it was really hard. My deepest sympathys come out to you.Hang in there.
I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my Dad 5years ago after a long illness, it is so difficult. I stillthink of him everyday, but now it is with a peace that he is no longerin pain and in a better place and that he lived the very best life hecould. I hope you are able to find this peace in time.
There is a wonderful poem at this site that my Brother read at my Dad'sfuneral. It was inspirational to me and I hope it helps youin some small way.http://members.aol.com/Educ.Angel/dash/htm
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this incredibly difficult time.
Our heartfelt sympathies from RO. I lost my Dad 4years ago, and the only way it seems to get any easier is if I talk tohim. Your dad was so young too. How awful.
You're father is still alive, in your heart. You keep himalive by holding on to the memories that you shared with him.He may not be present in a seeing figure buthissoulwill never die if you keep alive in your heart.
Jen please accept my condolances, I have no idea what you must be going through.
Cherish your wonderful happy memories you have of him, he is in yourheart and your thoughts and NO ONE can EVER take those away from you.
Thanks Everyone for all the thoughts andprayers. They really mean a lot. My Dad is in abetter place now. He has had a long 6 year battle withnumerous health issues. I have been a bit bummed and haven'tbeen on much but will get back to normal in time. Knowing heis no longer in pain is helpful but I still miss him so much.
When we were at the hospital his sister told us of a story about whenthey were young. They both had little pet turtles.Hers died and my dad had his out on the walk letting it play in thesun. Well as kids sometimes do, she got jealous. Ifshe couldn't have a turtle neither could he. So she walked upand stomped on it. She tried to act like it was an accidentbut she really meant to do it. Well he got mad and flushedher goldfish. (they wondered why thier mom would never letthem have more pets) We jokingly called her the turtle killer afterthat. I asked my mom today if she was familair with therainbow bridge. She said she had read something about it theother day. I mentioned that he could be with his turtlenow. Was just an oddthought I had while in theshower this morning.
Thanks again for listening it means a lot to know I can come here and talk about it.