O/T Jeremy Found A Bat

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Oh Tina! I'm really hoping you canrelease him soon. Bats do great things for us likecontrolling the insect population, but can also cause bigproblems. I actually think they are really interesting littleguys. He's adorable. LMBO (Can't believe I said abat was adorable.)

We once had a bat take up roost in our closed patio umbrella.It was there one day and we figured we scared it away when we openedthe umbrella, well it came back for weeks. I guess iteventually found a roost where it's sleep wasn't constantly beinginterrupted. I also had one come into my neighbors house whenI was babysitting. That was an experience.

Prisilla made it through the night. Anhour ago I got her to eat and she ate really good, 12 mealworms Yea!! I am still waiting for the rehabber to call back. It'sgoing to be hard letting this little punkin go. Just knowing she isfree will be so worth it.

Thank you all for the support and help. She isdefinitely a Hoary Bat. From everything I have read it isvery rare to even see one. Jeremy and I have learned so much more aboutbats than we ever knew before. What an awesome experience.

aww ... bats are so amazing .. the way the lack of one sense is totally compensated for by another .. !

how great that she had made it through the night! ...what is she like?

I've never had a close up experience with one before ...is she soft .. i always imagined their wings would be really leathery !
She is an amazing little creature. Herfur is like silk, it's long and soft. Her wings are leathery but reallysoft and supple. I was telling Dale it's a good thing keeping a pbat asa pet is illegal because it would be hard giving her up if itwasn't.

I went to feed her and she hissed at me. Here's thistiny furball hissing at me, it was hilarious. She's pretty young andhasn't figures out how to get to the top of the trees to roost yet.We've taken her outside and tries a few times. I am going to keeptrying.

She's eating and drinking really good. She doesn't have homingin the bugs down pat as she misses more times than not, we're workingon that too. Still no word on when they will be coming to pick her up.

I was talking to Dale and when we move I am going to see aboutgetting a permit and the training to become a rehabber for bats. I'mlearning so much about bats and everything I read makes me want to helpthem more.

WOW! good for you Tina! We need all the animal help we can get in this crazy world these days!

I've thought about doing something like that too, but right now we justdon't have the sapce... Two room are already occupied w ith crazyMonkeys! We need a bigger house!!!! LMBO!

I hope you'll be able to let her go soon, it sounds like she's gaining strenghth if she's hissing at you...

Good job Tina and Jeremy! Not alot of people would have done what you guys have!

Tina, you and Jeremy are amazing. I am sopleased you helped this little girl - I love bats, and like Jen said,they do so much good for us. There was a programme on TV a while backabout a woman that rehabilitates bats in Australia. She wore a kind ofcloak, and when she opened it, there were lots of baby bats hanginginside it - she carried them around with her!!

Sounds like she is getting better, if she is eating and hissing :p. Good luck with her.


i am at work and found a bat in the Gym. a student threw a mat over it,and told me it was there. i got it in a box, it seems injured. i havenot touched it. i don't know what to do. i called The Toronto WildlifeCentre and left a message,


Be careful handling it.

What I did was put Priscilla in a small cat carrier with astick stuck though it so she could roost. Do you have a picture of it?I'll try and help you identify it so you know what to feed it. A petridish works great for both water and food.

Offer him or her live meal worms you can purchase at most petstores. Put them in a petri dish live only 5 at a time. See if she'lltake them that way.

If not you need to feed them one at a time. Sounds gross butgrab a meal worm with a pair of tweezers. Cut the head off and smearthe cut end on her mouth. She should get the idea pretty quick.

Make sure to keep her away from all your other animals. Keep her quiet and calm.

I hope they call you back to come get her for you.


if you need any more help feel free to PM me ok.

Thanks Tina, i was kinda freaking out. i talkedto the Toronto Wildlife centre and although they are closing at 6, theyhave a volunteer coming to pick him up. what a relief. thanks to yourpost i was ready, and did not touch the bat directly. The Wildlifecentre said not to feed it.

i am at work and cannot leave otherwise i would have drived the batmyself. The lady said they would examine the bat at rehabilitate it tothe wild.

i feel alot better now he will be in good hands.


That's so awesome. Kudos to you forhelping him. I love bats. The reason we had to feed Priscilla is no onecame to get her.

Feel proud for a job well done Nicky.

thanks Tina, i'm really just so happy. a guy just picked him up to take the bat straight to the centre.

i found an injured bird this summer at work, called animal control andthey picked it up. they acted so put out by having to pick it up, and iwas really unsure that they would actually help it. i still feel soooguilty about giving them that bird. now i know the wildlife centre willactually treat and rehabilitate instead of well, god knows what.

i'm very glad you were here to help me too. LOL


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