O/T I got a new puppy for valentines day!!

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He is very cute. Rio is a great shortername for him. Here in the UK we have a famous footballercalled Rio Ferdinand (Although he's not British) - if you pup is afootballer the Rio could be an apt name for him.
Sooooooo CUTE!!!

I grew up with Shepherds also - two white ones. What sweet dogs! Veryloyal and they LOVE to play! I miss them! Wish I could have a dog whereI live now! Enjoy your new baby!!:)
Thanks everyone. He is lucky he is so cute or else he'd be out on his butt for the naughtiness that hides within him!

My son Gabe picked finally picked a name for him, he is now Gunnar BoboFett. Gabe had wanted to name him Bobo Fett after the bounty hunter onStar Wars (obviously he really likes Star Wars). Personally I couldn'tjust call my dog Bobo so we settled on Gunnar with the rest as hismiddle name, that way my five year old was happy and I was too.

Fergi's mom
What a cutie!!!

I want a dog :( too expensive though... my doggie is $1200...plus vetsand food and AGH! lol Plus my home is too small for a dog right now

German Sheps get to be HUGE! And, they shed a lot, you should call me sometime, I'll come groom him for free ;) :p

And it's Boba Fett, not Bobo :p
MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
What a cutie!!!

I want a dog :( too expensive though... my doggie is $1200...plus vetsand food and AGH! lol Plus my home is too small for a dog right now

German Sheps get to be HUGE! And, they shed a lot, you should call me sometime, I'll come groom him for free ;) :p

And it's Boba Fett, not Bobo :p
My little guy would kill me for that mistake! Oops!

He should get to be about 75 lbs which is perfect for us, we have avery large outdoor kennel and a pretty decent sized duplex. Plus withall the activity from my boys he should get along well with us.

Not looking forward to the shedding though. The breeder told me theirgrooming needs were pretty minimal, I guess she didn't want to admitthe truth?!

Fergi's mom
Umm...yeah, hate to say it, but, seeing as I'myour friend, and a professional dog groomer, he should be brushed welldaily, unless you don't mind fur flying around your house. They shouldbe bathed rarely to avoid skin oil depletion. They are a constantshedder.

Sheps have 2 coats, they have their outer coat, and a thicker innercoat. Both shed, hence why when you brush you need to getright in there to the 2nd coat, but be careful not to give your dogbrush burn!!

A Universal Slicker brush would be best for this dog, which can be purchased at most pet stores :)

Hope that helps a bit! :)


Also, puppies need to have their nails cut once a week for the firstmonth or so of their life, after that every3 or4weeks should be good :)

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