O/T: Any New Year's Resolutions to Lose Weight?

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Yes, too easy I've slipped into the "I just won'teat for a week and only drink water" routine. As if that's a good idea.I don't want to be skinny, but I'd like to lay on the floor on my backand not have my big butt get in the way!

Pam, good idea on the Chub Club. I think it'll be much easier for allof us with a network of support. Maybe we could all do a weekly weighin or something...

Starting next Tuesday (after my company this weekend), I have a two week meal plan I'm am going to *try* to stick to.

Btw Pam, LOVE the new avatar!
I'm joining the club!

I did decide in late September to cut out sweets. Desserts have alwaysbeen my downfall. So, I haven't had chocolate or sweets since then. Idid that for a couple months before adding anything else to my "diet"routine.

Now I also drink 8 glasses (64 ounces) of water every day. I can reallytell when I'm doing this, how much healthier I feel. My insidessometimes make weird noises, though with all that liquid in there.

The other thing I've added now is walking for at least 20 minutes, atleast 3 times a week. While I know there are a lot of other exercises Ican add to this to make the weight disappear quicker, this is doablefor me with my family and work responsibilities. I will add more typesof exercise when doing this no longer makes me break a sweat....cuz atthis point it still does.

Another thing I'm trying, and really still working very very hard at ishaving salads at lunch time, or very light fare. In my job, I go out toeat for lunch EVERY week day. I was so not used to that when Ileft the classroom, and wasn't prepared for the enormous amount ofextra calories that added to my diet. It's a struggle sometimes, but Ihave asked my coworkers to gently say to me, "Minda, wouldn't yourather have a salad?" if I order something else on the menu. They rock.

Weight, I've decided, is too darn depressing. So, instead of weight, Iam keeping track of clothing sizes. I would like to fit back into asize 10-12 when all is said and done. I am planning on going veryslowly, though. When I had my daughter, and was done withbreastfeeding, I really just gave up on myself and let her be "the cuteone". I let my good eating habits slide and it got worse when I leftthe classroom and started training teachers. (I've counted...there aredays when I am offered sweets literally 12-15 times throughout the day.They are always trying to feed me!)

My daughter will be turning 5 at the end of January. So, it's taken meabout that long to get to where I am now. I'm giving myself at least 2to 3 years to get back to where I was. I'd love to be a part of theclub to share that journey. I have high expectations, and have set someshort term goals.

My next additions to my diet regime will include smaller portions and Imay try that not eating after 4 thing. I've always been curious aboutit. Let me know how that goes?

LOL wish I could fall into the 'not eat for aweek' thing, but the diabetes won't let me! I lost 11lbs lastweek just from having the 'flu, not the best way to go about it, butit's something. I want to lose about a stone and a half cozI'm fed up being the weight I am! I'm 11 and a half stonejust now, not massively overweight coz I'm 5ft 9" but still not what Iwant to be!

My plan is to do my 'Bodylicious' DVD a couple of times a week, takethe dog on a big walk every day and do alot of housework coz that burnsloads of calories! And also to eat salad (bleugh!) and watchthe packets of crisps!

Good luck to everyone!

Ang xx
Stephanie wrote:
Yes, too easy I've slipped into the "I just won't eat for aweek and only drink water" routine. As if that's a good idea.
Yeah, not a good idea at all. Drowning your hunger withwateris terrible for your body. Be carefulgirls!!!
Guess what is 50 feet from my back door -- "Hunger Busters" ice cream shop.

My only reprieve is that they close during the winter, but it's going to be one tough summer.

pamnock wrote:
Guess what is 50 feet from my back door -- "Hunger Busters" ice cream shop.

My only reprieve is that they close during the winter, but it's going to be one tough summer.

That's gotta be real tough! The only reason I can't seem to drop thebaby pounds is I can't stay away from the convenience of fast food ormy love of coca-cola. I guess I can't complain too much I go between asize six and an eight but I weigh 146lbs. Weird! Gotta start losing itsoon though I don't want to have to buy all new clothes and I have somany cute clothes from pre-pregnancy days:X.

Fergi's mom

It wouldn't be New Years if I didn't have that goal. Although I hateresolutions, this is one that I do seem to have year after year.

Basically what's worked for me before, I have to stay dedicated to again.

Walking - although haven't because of the ice storm we've had.

Water - a gallon a day. I know that's a lot, but it worked for mebefore. Water metabolizes fat cells and flushes out your system, aswell as fills you up and is great for your skin.

And of course, eating right. I'm not much of a sweet eater, but I dolove carbs. I overheard a nurse telling a patient one day, "If you wantto lose weight, don't eat anything white." I tried it and I did havesuccess.

* * * *

Lissa, it scares me to hear you want to lose 10 lbs. You don't need to lose one pound more.



Love your avatar, as well. That's a great drawing. I'm glad you went with one of your own. :)

By the way, aren't you forgetting to tell us about your infamous Jelly Bean Diet?


Pam, I LOVE your avatar too! :)

My New Years Resolution is to NOT have aNew Years Resolution!!!

But I've been whittling away at my weightand have lost about25lbs. since this time last year and Ineed to lose 30 more. So, I'll be in the "Chub Club".:cool:

Congrats on your weight Rasp! You should have that avatar of Seb enlarged and framed -- it's one of my favorites!

Carolyn wrote:
Lissa, it scares me to hear you want to lose 10 lbs. You don't need to lose one pound more.
I was being facecious. ;) It would be nice, but it ain't gonna happen. :)
I need to lose 40 lbs,I lost it once and i wasntwatching what i ate and it came back.sneaky fat.took forever to losenot long to gain back.bluebird
Might I be so bold as to add my two cents? Keeping in mind everyones body metabolizes foodstuffs differently but ....

Skipping breaky to me is a big NO NO, it is your sustenance for theentire day-and lack thereof can make someone with the willpower of anelephant (feel free to substitute yourown animal in here, onewith willpower just would not come to mind :p ) to break downfor a quick fix of sugar and carbs (which your body needs for energy,be it in the form of fruits, nuts, etc)

Lunch of only salad will usually, and I only say usually because asmentioned before tiss all about metabolism-create larger hunger pangsfor dinner once-once again creating the need for more food at aninappropriate time. Lunch could be the "more rounded" meal in which youget all your body's requirements for the day (say, if you were a meateater, you would have chicken at lunch as opposed to dinner) Givingyourself more of an opportunity to use those energy/calories and smalldose of healthy fat a chance to work for you during the hours of afterlunch/pre-dinner when most people are active.

Although cutting out sweets is a great idea, I am hesitant to say do italtogether-a reward for sticking to a healthier food consumption can beexactly that, a reward BUT it does not have to be what your "old you"would of consumed. Healthy alternatives do exist, such as substitutingapplesauce for butter in recipes, low fat frozen yogurt instead ofice-cream.

and she rambles on and on and on


It took almost a year for my step-father to realize I had switched his ice-cream for lf frozen yogurt *grin grin*

Sorry for going on so..It is just something I feel strongly about andcould not let this thread pass up-Oh what a differenceyourrelationship with food can be when you decide to rule it and loveit....(no, not crazyhere...hehehe)


Cher, you hit the nail right on the head!

From what I've learned in my reading and research, the biggest key iseating all three meals, but keeping the portion sizes down. Obviouslystaying away from major grease and stuff like that is important. Snacksare a major part of a diet too. One thing I've learned is you need toeat to lose weight, as in keeping your metabolism running at high gearby keeping it busy. So skipping a meal and thinking you'll drop poundsthat way is not going to work. It just puts your body into starvationmode and when you do it, your body will store it as fat.

Ok, my hubby is breathing down my neck for us to go ice skating. He isa good one-man support network for me, as he likes to work out with meand do fun stuff like biking, roller blading and ice skating. :D (Ofcourse, I still have the scar on my knee from my major digger Itook...ok ok three diggers I took, roller blading last year!)
I know how dieting can quickly go to extremes. Myfamily has a pretty extensive history of eating disorders, and I swearmost of the woman in my family have had one.... I've been strugglingwith my weight (and coming to terms with the daily mental fight thatgoes along with it) for quite a while now. I know that I need to gainweight, but I struggle with my inner "voice" every day because I feellike I need to be skinnier. It's really hard because I've got "safe"foods that I dont feel too guilty eating, but even then I've got thismagic number of calories that I tell myself I cant go over. It's a veryfrustrating situation to be in..... and i tell myself that weight isntimportant, but telling myself that and making myself believe it are twototally different things.
Eating disorders suck. :XI've battled with anorexia since the age of 9. I'm 25 now andhave gotten a lot better.
They are horrible.... I've heard quite a fewpeople off-handed remarks like "I wish i could be anorexic for _____(insert amount of time here) so then i could lose xxxx amount ofweight". People dont realize that when someone has an e.d that it's notlike they simply dont care about food any more, or that they justmagically arent hungry..... i feel like i'm always sooooooooohungry.... it's awful always worrying and panicking over something thateveryone needs to do (eat) just in order to function normally. Iwouldnt wish an e.d. on anyone......

Lissa, It's great that your doing much better now! It's horribledealing with an eating disorder, and It would have to be so hard tohave to do so at such a young age of nine.
I'll definately have to come to the forum andcheck it out.... It would be nice to be able to talk to someone aboutit that knows what it's like firsthand. I know my hubby, sisters, andmom are concerned and want to help by saying the right things, but itjust doesnt work. It's so hard to have them say i need to put some"meat on my bones" but i constantly have to hear them say that theyneed to lose xxx amount of lbs.....

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