Might I be so bold as to add my two cents? Keeping in mind everyones body metabolizes foodstuffs differently but ....
Skipping breaky to me is a big NO NO, it is your sustenance for theentire day-and lack thereof can make someone with the willpower of anelephant (feel free to substitute yourown animal in here, onewith willpower just would not come to mind
) to break downfor a quick fix of sugar and carbs (which your body needs for energy,be it in the form of fruits, nuts, etc)
Lunch of only salad will usually, and I only say usually because asmentioned before tiss all about metabolism-create larger hunger pangsfor dinner once-once again creating the need for more food at aninappropriate time. Lunch could be the "more rounded" meal in which youget all your body's requirements for the day (say, if you were a meateater, you would have chicken at lunch as opposed to dinner) Givingyourself more of an opportunity to use those energy/calories and smalldose of healthy fat a chance to work for you during the hours of afterlunch/pre-dinner when most people are active.
Although cutting out sweets is a great idea, I am hesitant to say do italtogether-a reward for sticking to a healthier food consumption can beexactly that, a reward BUT it does not have to be what your "old you"would of consumed. Healthy alternatives do exist, such as substitutingapplesauce for butter in recipes, low fat frozen yogurt instead ofice-cream.
and she rambles on and on and on
It took almost a year for my step-father to realize I had switched his ice-cream for lf frozen yogurt *grin grin*
Sorry for going on so..It is just something I feel strongly about andcould not let this thread pass up-Oh what a differenceyourrelationship with food can be when you decide to rule it and loveit....(no, not crazyhere...hehehe)