Nuzzy and Marshall

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New Member
Oct 21, 2006
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, Ontario, Canada
Hey there,

I thought I'd show you some pictures of my babies :) I've hadNuzzy since May, and she's about 8 months old now. I boughther with my boyfriend and we agreed that we wouldn't name her somethingtoo cutesy. Well she nuzzled his neck the first time he heldher, and that was it, he was stuck on naming her Nuzzles. Ithought it was too cutesy, came up with lots of other names, but hewouldn't budge. So I compromised and said I'd call her Nuzzyfor short. She's half mini lop, and half somethingelse.

I just adopted Marshall from a foster home 1.5 weeks ago, and he is adoll! He's also half mini lop, but his other half is asmaller breed because he's much tinier than Nuzzy, although they'reroughly the same age. He was at the foster home since April,and why someone wanted to dump him in a forest, or why someone didn'tadopt him sooner, is beyond me! All he wants to do is binkyaround and cuddle! There is not one aggressive bone in hislittle body! Nuzzy was just spayed 2 weeks ago so I'm holdingoff on bonding them for another couple of weeks. Their cagesare about 3 inches apart so they can get used to each other--when I letNuzzy out, she will lay down next to his cage, give him a few tugs tolet him know who's boss--so I'm really hopeful the bond will gowell. But I have to take Marshall into the next room forplaytime, because Nuzzy tries to attack him through her bars if hecomes close to her cage...and he's too friendly to know not to keepgoing back to her cage after she bites him :?

Anyways, here are some pics!

Below is a picture of Nuzzy as a baby:


And this is Nuzzy now, 6 months later:

And this is Marshall, the new addition to my family:

Oh, they are so cute.:inlove:
I really like Nuzzy's colouring and Marshall's ears. :D

And I hope they will get along fine. :)
Thanks for the compliments :) Marshallis fixed, he was neutered in august I believe, although he has astuffed toy named "Bunny" and Bunny gets a lot of special attention ifyou know what I mean ;)even though he's fixed! Mustbea behavioural thing now. His foster mom told methat he used to be CCRRAAAZZZYYYY over Bunny, but since his neuter,he's calmed down a bit. You can see what I mean in thepicture... I hope it isn't inappropriate! lol. Ican actually get him to fall asleep on the toy like this, but he openedhis eyes and started right back at it :? It would have madefor a much cuter picture for sure.


lol :)

My boy Basil used to have a stuffed animal that he was rather fond of.He kept it up for a few months after the neuter and now he just laysnext to it sometimes for comfort.

Very funny pic!
Ohh my..what gorgeous little bunnies youhave,they both have such a pretty colouring,and they both sound soadorable too! :inlove:

Hahaha, it took me awhile to come up with myusername because the ones I wanted were all taken already,lol. And my boyfriend is always teasing me because I'll dropwhat I'm doing to make sure they're ok all the time, so I figuredMarshall and Nuzzy have me bunnywhipped :D

I love them both, they are soo incredibly special to me. I'mstill trying to bond them right now though, and we've progressed toNuzzy grooming Marshall for a few seconds before she nips him becausehe won't return the favour, lol. So until they are alwaysnice to each other, they remain in separate cages.