rabbitluvr04 wrote:
I'v seen a peanut, and that doesn't look like one. Tworabbits out of my last litter had the exact same size diference and itwas just a runt, not a peanut, and he lived and is now 9 months old andstill growing, But it is very possible that I am wrong
. Just listento the more experienced breeders.
First off let me explain one thing Iam not a breeder , I got themother as part of a package deal in aMill shut down OMG i had 42 babies all atone time , every Doe was pregnant, itswas the most awful , wonderfull , scarey ,heartbreaking,learning tool,experience of my life ,
Lil Darlin was a challange , hismother ended his life and broke my heartafter day 8 , but what Idid for him was flip the motherand let him nurse seperately from the others ,he would lose elasticity buynot getting enough fluids after a fewhours , I also supplimented him with handfeedings , ( not for the weakof heart NOR the very impatient) For 8 days i barely slept,ate or nearly dared to go tothe bathroom for fear of whatI would find .
If possable Alley be sure he isntgetting pushed to the very bottom of thenest box , try and be sure heis very near the top , but not out ofthe fur he needs tobe more warm than the rest .Darlin would make my day bybeing King of his sibling hill .
I have been doing a lot of research into the Doublefatal gene that causesPeanuts along with my Vet, wehave come to a small conclusionthat there is some varying degrees of Peanuts, as there is with children afflictedwith Downs Syndrom , somebabies have a mild case ofit some have the moresevere form some sit in themiddle
I wish there was moreresearch being done to see whatthe actuall degrees of it can cause , weare making a little headwaybut Also we needsomeone with more experience inhte Gene technology than He andI have ( im a dummy but I was one whobrought it to his attention , just frommy observations ,) He and I alongwith memebers of this board hadmany long into the night discussions onthis subject .
Ally my best advice is to love this littleone with everything you have to give , if heis fighting now he willcontinue, but watch the mothershe may take matters into her own handsat some near point.