Nothing short of miraculous - Peanut's tilt is gone

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Wow...that is such cool news, it has made my night!!:biggrin2:
Congradulations to you and your vet and of course to Peanuts on a very well earned recovery!:hearts:blueribbon:
Hi All,

This is some much needed good news for all of us. Congrats on a job well done. This goes to prove that sometimes issues like this take a while. If some of you remember the story of our Yoda...his initial presentation of head tilt took over 8 months to resolved.

As far as vetting...good idea. I would highly suggest something that most wouldn't consider....get those ears cultured (at least a cytology)and make sure the bacteria level is within tolerable limits. We had Yoda cultured several times during his event...and continued it for some time after resolution. Just a suggestion based on our experiences here. We will do the same for Sparky....his pic is on our we work to correct his tilt.

And a word for lop seems that lops (and especially small Hollands)are more prone to ear infections both caused bybacteria and yeast. We are always on the watch for problems. Seems to be due to the lack of air circulation which results in a warm and humid environment inside the ear canal...perfect living conditions for some bad things.

Way to go Peanut....this is a real success story.

Peanut's head-tilt is probably gone because of all the effort and work that Emily put into caring for her for so many months.

I used to read those posts and wonder if I had it in me to do so very much for a bunny without getting depressed and frustrated.
Thank God we have some good news here. :D
That's AWESOME. Finally, a rabbit miraculously healing instead of falling ill! :D RO needs more things like this to happen.


~Diana and Butter
ra7751 - thanks for the tip :)

I called the vets office to book an appointment. The bunnies' regular vet Dr. G is, as usual, booked solid. I guess that comes with the territory when you're one of the most experienced exotic vets in the area.

So we'll be seeing a new veterinarian, Dr. F, tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm EST.