Not wanting to eat veggies?

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Jul 13, 2012
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Morganton, North Carolina, USA
Sammie does not seem to like to eat veggies at all. Does anyone else have a very picky rabbit and your rabbit have a favorite veggie? I have tried so many things with Sammie and I have yet to find something he loves, he will occasionally eat cilantro and parsley and watercress but that is about all I have gotten him to eat. I worry with him not eating many veggies and him not living as long because of his diet but I have no clue what to do to get him to eat.
When we first give veggies to a new rescue that's never had them before, it sometimes takes awhile before they start to consume as it's entirely new to them. some also don't gobble them down while others act like they haven't eaten in months. It just varies from rabbit to rabbit. The absolute favorite here is Cilantro. You might try alfalfa sprouts or wheat grass--mine get those as a treat now and then.
my Gaz will eat almost anything green. Nala will scarf down kale, occasionally nibble on cilantro and every once in a while will eat the middle (vein) part of lettuce. getting her to eat a decent amount of anything but kale is an uphill battle.

I wouldn't worry about it as long as your bunny's getting a well-balanced pellet... just feed whatever leafy green thing you can get him to eat a little of. rabbits can do well on a diet of just hay and a handful of pellets - some people here don't feed veggies at ALL (at their vet's recommendation) because of chronic digestion issues that were being worsened by the veggies, so I don't think you need to worry if you can only get him to eat small amounts.
I wouldn't worry about your bun not getting a large amount of veggies as long as he has a good quality pellet and a large amount of hay.
I guess you could just find the few things that your bun will eat and stick to those.
A good quality pellet would be Sherwood Forest, I don't know what your bun is eating right now. But I think thats one of the best pellets on the market right now.

If he doesn't want to eat that many greens, I would try a variety of different hays. For example Foo gets timothy, botanical and oat.
How about dried veggies? A friend of mine has a rabbit. He didn't like eating veggies at all. My friend started to give him dried veggies and he love them!
our buns will love one thing one week, and hate it the next, then about 3 or 4 weeks later they're nuts about it all over again.

ours love romain lettuce, cilantro, parsley, celery, carrots, and spinach.

weather or not they'll eat them one week or another is up to them, can be frustrating at times lol. but thats just ours.

every bun is different :]

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