Not sure what is wrong (need help again)

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Penny was started only eat pellets that arewatered down a little, so on Sat, we took her to the vet. Henoticed a small sore developing on her tounge and said its probably onetooth thats causing it. So he was nice, and sqeezed us in fora surgery. Penny had to be sleeping for this one, she made itthrough, and now is eating again, but poorly. Maybe the soreis still hurting. Hopefuly she will jump back on the hardpellets again.
Little Penny is all off her meds, but we arestill having problems. She only likes pellets that have beenwetted down. She hasn't started eating carrots again, butstarted eatting parsley about 5 days ago. She ismoves her mouth a lot,vet thinks its her stomach still, but Ithink it's her mouth.

We will be seeing the vet soon again, just to make sure her teeth haven't grown too big again.
Good Luck at the vet. I hope she continues to improve. :pray:

I'm sorry, I saw that you had her on Critical Care, but were youfeeding her regular pellets all this time or making a slurry?If slurry, did she maybe get used to them being wet?
When we was on CC we gave her regular pellets,she would start eating in the evening then stop and not eat till nextevening. So we started giving her wet pellets she startedeating on her own and we stopped with CC.
haha, Snuffles,Offspringispretty familiar with my story! We've been helping eachotherthrough this whole thing. :(

Max will also only eat his pellets in a slurry from a spoon now. Ithink his is because he has pain from that jaw abscess though and itseasier when he doesnt have to chew.

How are her front incisors? Sometimes if they are too long its harder for them to pick up the pellets on their own.

Poor Penny and Max :-(

We've been trimming Penny's incisors pretty much every month some sinceDec. Last time I actualy got to see it. My girl gota job at our vet, so I got to go in. He uses a dentist rotarything, very fast and not as physicaly and mentaly stressful asclipping.

In about a month we will get 50% off on all vet bills, Phew! That should help.

Snuffles, thank you for your thought.
Thats great that your girlfriend got a job there. That will really help you out. :D

I really have no clue why Penny wont eat hard pellets. Poor girl. :(
Sometimes it's not so odd for them to behave this's just their way of getting back to normal?

I have about 6 that need molar burring every 4-6 months and 9 that need incisor trimming every 2 weeks to a month.

My one girl, Priscilla gets her teeth done (spurs), comes home and itseems like she won't eat on her own forever - the longest it seemedlike was two weeks. I had to make sure she had whatever shewould eat available as well as making sure she had stuff going into hereach day. Then one day, after all that, the litter box willbe full of poops and her food gone.

It scares the poop out of me each time but for her, that's the sameroutine each & every time. Hopefully your bunny willbe the same and that it's nothing more.

My other girl Sprout generally takes 2-3 days before she goes back to normal after the surgery.
We are good, Penny actualy gained someweight. HonestlyI wasmore worried aboutMax making it through the night.

Her back teeth are fine (or as good as they can be). One of her bottomincisor might need trimming but not now, maybe in a fewweeks. We'll keep a close watch.
Thats sweet of you. I was afraid all night as well and I barely slept.

Im so glad Penny seems to be getting better. Is she eating hard pelletsyet? I guess as long as she's eating, thats all that matters.Does she eat hay?

Im glad to hear shes putting on weight too. Ive been trying to get some back on Max but its taking some time..
Heh Penny has been off hay since Sept.

She eats hard pellets a little when her wet one's are out.But she prefers the wet one's. Doc said most of the naturalgrinding comes form teeth rubbing onto each other, so as long as she iseathing she shouldn't get many molar spurs.

I waskind of hesitant about removing wet one's, we might trynow since she put on some weight. Maybe do more of half andhalf.

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