Not so sure if I should be upset by this..but...

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they make movies about mice (mickey), ducks (donald), deer (bambi),elephant (dumbo), not to mention cats(aristocats) and dogs(too many).but why not rabbits?

We already talked about pigs (babe), and I know there are tons of horse movies.

I mean, if movies like Flushed Away is on, a bunny movie should be here, too.
there are rabbit characters in some of thosemovies like Bambi............ but I WANT A MAIN CHARACTER rabbit and ahouse rabbit at that,,not one running loose outside unaltered LOL
It's an older movie, based on thebook. I haven't seen the movie, but the book isgreat! It's about wild rabbits in Britain.

Tagline:[/b] All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a ThousandEnemies, and when they catch you, they will kill you... but first theymust catch you.

Ok recently on the phone with my grandma and sheask me how are the rabbits doing. I go to answer her but I hear my auntin the background go "How many does she have?' My grandma tells her. Ihear "She has to many tell her to send me one for soup." My response"Tell her to stop eating she can survive on her fat for a few years."What does my grandma do...tells her.

JadeIcing wrote:
Ok recently on the phone with my grandma and she ask me howare the rabbits doing. I go to answer her but I hear my aunt in thebackground go "How many does she have?' My grandma tells her. I hear"She has to many tell her to send me one for soup." My response "Tellher to stop eating she can survive on her fat for a few years." Whatdoes my grandma do...tells her.

Hahaha I love your grandma!!! :laugh:
Oh boy - I can totally agree with everything said on this thread!

In New Zealand we have a buying and selling site sort of like ebay, andit has a message board (like a really cheap looking forum, but with nofeatures to speak of). There is a Pets and Animals section and we havea thread in there called "Rabbit Lovers Annonymous". It's gettingpretty big, it's at 16 pages now with 50 posts to each page. Every nowand then someone will come along with a nasty comments, like "you'dwant to remain annonymous of you like rabbits..." and "mmm I likerabbits, yum!", "you should call him Stew...then eat him!"

I try not to let it annoy me but it does. In another thread aboutsomeone who's neighbours rabbit keeps escaping and walking around,someone else pipes up "eat it!". I got furious when I saw that -something just snapped and I offered to take a nibble of their baby andsee what it tastes like. I know it was silly but I am sick of hearingthe eat-it thing all the time.

There are always heaps of threads about feeding rabbits to dogs etc,and some get very graphic. When I say I find it disturbing, they justsay "oh but it's not like they are cute cuddly pet ones, these are wildscum". But the wild ones here are the European rabbit which our cutecuddlers came from, they themselves are pretty adorable. And what's tostop these dogs from eating someones pet rabbit? Will the dog know thedifference?
Watership Down is the only book to ever make mecry. I cried like a baby at the end, :tears2:and I didn't even have abunny in my life. I just wish the movie was truer to the book. That isa movie I would love to see remade, with the Jim Hensen company ofcourse! My BIL, who always tries to pet my rabbit when he thinks I amnot looking (he can't seem like too much of a softy), saw us watchingit and it was the big fight at the end with Bigwig and Woundwart, hewas shocked. He said, "Those rabbits are F-ing eachother up!" Now hewants to read the book. :D

I also LOVEWallace and Grommit, wererabbits or not!:inlove:


Usually whenever someon makes a crack aboutbunnies, I say "that's funny the first 100 times I hear it."They usually get the message.

What's really in poor taste (no pun intended) is when they serve rabbit at the concession stand at rabbit shows!
naturestee wrote:
So no Watership Down for you then
I'm almost done reading Watership down, finally. I've had itfor like 3 years now, but I haven't had time to read it.Mostly because I have so much homework. I have two otherbooks I'm supposed to be reading now... ugh.

I love that I can read things and then think, hey, Fiona andTimmy do that too!
I'll tell you what really upsets me.

Around here, its kind of popular for groups ofteenage boys togo out 'bunny-bashing', which, if you're not familiar, is the practiceof driving down a dirt road at night with a bat or club in hand, andchasing down jackrabbits through the brush trying to club them todeath. Just for fun. The trophy is loading their pickup bed full ofrabbit bodies, and then taking a picture to show how many they got.

The alternate version is to go out on BLM land or down any dirt road,and shoot as many as possible, and load the back of the pickup up, takea picture, and post it on the local Sportsmans Warehouse bulletinboard. The board is littered with lots of these pictures, pickups fullof bunnies. JUST FOR FUN!

My 17 year old brother participates in the shooting version and itreally bugs me. I don't understand peoplekill just for thesport of it. Maybe Im just sensetive to rabbits, becausedeerhunting doesn't bother me too much. Maybe its just the fact that theycan kill so MANY and fill a truck bed with bodies. My little bro likesto come back from his hunts and tell me how hechasedrabbitsdown, the killing, the dying noisesthey make. Usually I ignore it, but the other day I walked out of theroom and wouldn't say much to him. I think he felt bad cause he hasn'tsaid anything since. He was just doing it in teasing but I think herealized it made me upset.

Am I overly sensative to killing - or does this hurt anyone else too? Imean, hunting is a sport, but... there are laws andlicensesprotecting most other types of animals from beingslaughtered - even down to fish - so why not rabbits?
:XThat's horrible!

I do NOT think you are overly sensitive. Killing any animal for the FUNof it is wrong. Even fishing...many times people do so to cook/eat thefish and sometimes they even let the fish go. And what are they doingwith the innocent rabbits?

I don't think that is right at all. Hunting anything is illegal where Ilive, so it really upsets me to hear about those people hunting rabbitsfor the fun of it.

If they want to "show off", they should think of a better way to do so;like catching a big coyote that endangers different places and sendingit off to a zoo or something.

I don't like it either. They justupped the anty for does (deer) here in hunting season b/c there are toomany of them and people are hitting them w/ cars.

Hunting is a fact of life I guess. For food not forfun. I don't agree w/ that at all. People like thatare just down on themselves and make themselves feel like theirsomebody when they do things like that.:(
I understand completely.

My mom is great and loves the rabbits, but my dad and brothers see themas stupid pets I waste my money on. I just laugh it off, but it hurts.

Another thing I don't get is every time I see my relatives they ALWAYSask if I still have my rabbits. I guess they think they are just petsthat once you get tired of them you get rid of them. Do I ask them "Oh,do you still have your cat or your dog?" Of course I still have them!

Rabbits are so misunderstood it's really quite odd.

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