Not rabbit, but need all pet owners/lovers opinions, please?

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I'm so sorry. I've had to make the same decision before and it hurts still.

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers this week.

Cadbury went very quickly andpeacefully.I'm soooooo proud of my boys. I thought maybe one(or evenboth) would leave the room at the last minute, butthey were as loyal to her as she's always been to us.

A few days ago, I had her outside on her blanket and decided to giveher a haircut and do her nails, etc. Of course, when I was done, Ishook out the blanket and her hair (I thought) blew away in thebreeze........

It's rained since then and we really don't remember seeing any of that hair left on the lawn but sure enough.......

We were sittingon the porch today (grass was still wet fromrain), and what blew up onto the porch floor? Some of Cadbury's hair!

Zach said, "She made it, Mom. Cadbury's ok!":angel:

Sounds like you got some strong boys and theysure didnt leave Cadbury down. I am sorry for your family'sloss. It must been hard but you did what was best for Cadbury.

i am sorry for your loss.

I think it was very brave for your boys to be there.

i lost my first dog Kayla when i was 18. we were very close, Kayla andi, and during her life she had several litters. (all on my mum's bed)She allowed the whole family to witness the births, and to touch thepups soon after. The runt of the first litter was born before my youngeyes. and that very runt, we decided to keep. Her name was Jem, and shelived to be 15 yrs old.

when Kayla was put to sleep, she was very sick, and old(16yrs). i wasn't there when she died, and i have neverforgiven myself. i tied a string around my wrist that day, and havenever taken it off. Last year Jem had gotten very ill, and the vet saidthat she had little time left. as a family, we decided she wouldn'tsuffer any longer, and that we would put her to sleep. i kept mypromise to be there. i have never been more sad. i saw that dog takeher first breath, and her last. in a strange way, it helped me to bethere.


Lynda wrote:
We were sittingon the porch today (grass was still wet fromrain), and what blew up onto the porch floor? Some of Cadbury's hair!

Zach said, "She made it, Mom. Cadbury's ok!":angel:
I think Zach is right. Cadbury sent a sign to say "Thank you" and let you know she is at peace. Keeping you in my thoughts


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