Not Going To Be An Aunt

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Oh, I'm so sorry. I know how much you werelooking forward to being an Aunt. I feel so bad for your sis too, it'sso hard to loosea baby, even when you weren't expecting one.:(
BunnyMommy wrote:
AnnaS wrote:
I am so sorry,but tons of women in our time are having problems at early stages ofpregnancy. It does not mean next time it won't work out. I know peoplewho had a couple of miscarriages at very early weeks and then they werefine and had babies.
AnnaS, I mean this with all due respect and I'm sure that you didn't mean to offend, but this was a rather insensitive comment.
Why? I was just trying to say that next time she gets pregnant she canhave a healthy baby, even if she lost this one. I lost a baby too lastyear at about 5 weeks and its very depressive.

P.S. I am sorry if it sounded mean, but I wanted to be encouraging, and not mean.

AnnaS, thanks so much for being gracious enough to clarify your intent.

It's just that in 9.5 cases out of 10women(andtheir loved ones) in this particular type of situationdon't find encouragement either in the particular information that yougave or in the way that it was stated, especially at this stage of thetragedy. That's why it sounded insensitive.Sympathy, empathy, and indications that they can get through it areusually received more positively and serve to give morecomfort.

I can see now that it was more a case of awkward wording on your partand misinterpretation of what you were trying to say on the reader'spart.

(P.S. I wasn't at all trying to censure you. I justfelt that something needed to be said, and rightly so as we discovered,as, just as I anticipated, MyBunnyBoys did find the statement somewhatoffensive and didn't find any comfort in it.)

Dearest Laura,

How is your sister doing?

Are all of her health concerns now out of the way?

She's fine. Everything is good and no more worries about her anymore. We're just praying the next pregnancy is successful.

Your sister and you have my sympathies and I will say a prayer for youand your family. I had two miscarriages before my beautiful boys wereborn and having someone there is very comforting. Give your sister lotsof big hugs and a shoulder to cry on. I wish you and yours the best inthe days to come and that your heartache will ease soon.

Your sister is in my prayers, I can understand what she is goingthrough, and I also had a very good friend that was expecting twins andshe lost one twin her husband is employed over sea right now also so Iwill send prayers for your sister also. Kim

Your sister and your family will be in my prayers. So sorry for your loss.

I'm sorry for your loss, and I pray she soon has another pregnancy that goes full-term and a very healthy baby :)

I have just read this post. I'm sorry. What aterrible time of year for this to happen. I was terrifiedofhaving my second scan as early pregnancy is just soworrying. I really can't imagine what she is going through right nowand being pregnant myselfI am really sorry as it must be sohard for her to come to terms with. Ihope this next year willbring hope for her should she try again.

Thoughts and prayers


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