Not eating very much

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Well. I founda small poop in her cage and two clusters of poop (not cecal). Then whenI came home,there were a few more of the cluster poop when I came home so poops good! She's still not back to normal, and I don't wantto keep stressing her out with trying to get her out of the cage. When I was getting her out she kept doing this crying sound and I felt so bad.This morning she ate a bit of romaine lettuce. I gave her some more simthecone at around 4:30 and she ate a bit of carrot tops after the tummy rubbings and holding her. When I put her back in her cage I was giving her some oat grass and she probably ate 6-10 long strands of oatgrass (I got a planter of it because I figured she is in need of fiber). I tried to feed her agian (6:50) but she didn't take anything.

Does she sound ok? I'm glad she's eating a bit and pooping. When I had her running around in the kitchen (after the simthecone)she seemed curious for the first five minutes then laid down, then got up and drank some water then groomed herself. Then she laid back again so I put her back in her cage and that's when she ate the oat grass.

I feel bad because it takes her about an hour after I've put her back in her cage to stop the crying sound because she thinks I'm going to pick her up again. I would give anything to see her eating hay and normal poops!
I was thinking about giving her some more simthecone tonight, but then decided against it because I was too mentally exhausted. I tried it with the eye dropper just in the cage and hoped she might take it. She didn't. Well, I guess she got the message I wasn't kidding around!

I spent an hour or two just stroking her head and talking to her and she seemed to enjoy it and took some more blades of oat grass while I was stroking her. I went to go reheat her towel and then she started chewing on her cage (made of wood). So, I think that's a good sign.It's fiber right? When I came back she was moving around her cage and came on the door (to attatch the ramp, you know those castle doors with the rope or something attatched to the door?.. well anyways) and came to see me.

She was hoping to one blanket to the other and when I put her veggie bowl in, she sniffed around and decided she'd like to have the celery so I held a piece for her to eat and she ate a diagnol piece that was medium sized. She ate some parsley stems and drank some water so I'm happy with what she ate and drank tonight.

There was a bit more poop in her cage and it was bigger, just a little deformed. But hey, I'm not complaining! Poops poop! Well, to sum everything up I think she's improving and I'm fantastic! :)
Sounds good! Keep up with the simethicone. Have you tried mixing it in something she likes such as a bit of pumpkin or banana? That's how I got Fey to willingly take her meds.:D
We have poops! They still aren't normal and are deformed but at least they're poops. She ate a little tiny piece of hay off the floor so I'm taking that as a sign she's starting to feel a bit better.

I still hear her tummy almost sounding like it's full of water but she's almost moving like normal. She was in the bottem of her cage pooping when I came down there and turned her head to see me and let me give her a head cuddle then moved to the spot where there were more poops. I'll see if she'll eat something in a bit, I just don't want to disturb her if she's pooping.

She doesn't really have a problem with the simthecone when she's wrapped in a towel and takes it when I put it in the side of her mouth and squeeze. The little thing doesn't swollow it until I almost have to beg her to take it for another mouth full. Hmm she's never had pumpkin or banana and didn't want to take the pellet slurry so I didn't force her because she had been eating a bit. I don't really want to try pumpkin or banana in case it upsets her digestion at her sensitive time.

I'll try to get her to eat today and hope for more poops! At least there is some and she's eating, so her situation is getting better!
I'm not sure if I should take Pepsi to the vet or not. I talked to my mom about the possibility of taking her to get seen if she doesn't improve and my mom said it was up to me, and she'd pay half of the total vet bill.

Well Pepsi is eating a bit of vegetables, drinking and pooping a bit. I woke up at around 5:30. I found her with no poop (until then, she's been pooping ok, still small and hard or a bit mushy. I also found a normal sized poop but it had the texture of jello.) I got her out and gave her some simthecone and a tummy rub and let her go back. Right after she goes back, she acts normal, coming to see me, eating ect but in about three hours she goes back to only eating if I offer her something occasionaly and sitting on her blanket.

After I gave her the simthecone sheate a few pieces of celery, celery leaves, romaine lettuce, carrot tops. Just a bit of each. She's still drinking just a tiny bit less then normal and peeing.I let her eat wood and she was knawing on the food (do you think it'd be fiber for her) for about 15 minutes then she went downstairs to her pooping spot so I left her. When I came back I found some cecal droppings and a fed small normal droppings and she ate a bit more romaine.

I went down there half an hour ago to check on her, and she was on her blanket with small poops all around her and some squished poops so I tried to clean it off. She was there grinding her teeth with her eyes closed. She ate about half a piece of celery and then put her nose down(sign she doesn't want anymore). I found anotehr one of those jelly poops and it smelt skunky. I gave her maybe a tsp of oats and she ate a bit of it because I think she's getting soft droppings because of the vegetables but I want her to keep eating. Is the smelly droppings just the toxins from her body?

It'll be a week tomorrow night since she's been off, but she is improving. So, what should I do? :ponder:
I am an adult and going through the same thing with my little bunny. As I have been reading I want you to know that you are doing way more than me and I have toe money and brains. I am making a vet appointment in the morning for my little one but now I know to keep bugging her to move and to try to get her to eat something- anything.

Good luck to you.
Thanks :). I've always found if I dip anything I want to tempt her to eat with water she'll eat it, or at least maybe lick it and get some of the taste then start eating it. Have you tried some simthecone? It worked wonders with Pepsi eating and is completely harmless even if your bunny doesn't have gas. It'll help until you can get her to the vets tomorrow. I got the kind in a pink box, brand name"Oval".

You could also try putting a towel in the drier so it's just a bit warmed up for her to lie on. Pepsi really liked her warm towel and would lay spread out with her tummy on the blanket with her eyes closed. It seemed while she was on the towel she didn't grind her teeth as much too. Do you have a syringe? Maybe get some water in her until tomorrow.

I think Pepsi is improving, I got her eating a few strands of parsley,apple, romaine, a tiny piece of hay, and a few other things tonight so I'll try again for the little buffet of stuff in an hour or so. Her poops are getting a bit bigger and seem to be increasing so I'm pretty happy :).

I hope your bunny improves! It's so awful seeing them not their selves.Health problems is probably the worst part of owning a rabbit.

Sending best wishes so your little bunny can get better! :)

My husband and I sat on the floor of thefamily room and entertained the bunny. If she wasn't hopping we rubbed her belly. I was able to sneak some simethicone in her by giving her raisins with it on them earlier today. She ate most of them. After the fun on the floor my husband held her while I sort of forced more simethicone in her mouth. She wasn't too fond of that and some spilled on her chest. She started cleaning right away so hopefully she got the rest in her.

She peed earlier this evening but I haven't seen a poop in at least a day or two! I am checking constantly but nothing so far. I put two hand towels in her little hutch that is attached to her cage (where she seems to be sleeping). I tried to get her to drink but she would only lick the water off my fingers. I try more in the morning.

I have to go to work tomorrow, the boys have to go to school, so my husband will be left with bunny care. I try and stop by anytime work brings me close to home but it will still worry me all day. After the death of our first little bunny last Sunday I really don't want to explain death again to a 4 and 7 year old.

Keep me posted on Pepsi!
Well I stayed in the room where she's kept jsut quietly cleaning so I could just see what she was doing. While I was sleeping I heard her go down the ramp and she went to her pooping spot so I just continued and watched her from the corner of my eye. After she left to go back upstairs I looked and there was probably two dozen little poops. I was so happy :)

She ate all the parsley I gave her and this morning she ate her whole bowl full of vegetables except a few pieces of celery (1 big romain lettuce leaf, a handfull of parsley a few pieces of celery some oat grass bits). She's still munching away on oat grass so I think she's almost back to normal. Not much hay eaten, no pellets eaten but I'm glad she's eating something.

Did your bunny react any to the simthecone? I gave her about a dropper and a half full then gave her a tummy rub through the towel. I used to bunny burito method because most times I had to do it by myself and this way I could control her better, She seemed more relaxed when she was tightly bundled in the towel too :). Has she had celery? I found if I cut the celery diagonally and then make it sort of a point to it then put it in her mouth she'll start to chew it just to get it out of her face. I found that's been more effective then any type of vegetable when I'm trying to get her to eat.

How is she? Hows she acting? Any improvments? I hope your bunny's ok:(. Pepsi got through it, and there'd be days when she didn't even touch anything and a few days in a row where I didn't find any poop so we just need to see some improvments for your little bunny! :)

Pepsi sends her best binky over for Cinnabunny :)
We took her to the doctor today around 4pm. The doctor called us with the poop result - a bunny parasite that baby bunnies usually get if they are from a pet store. I will be able to pick up the medicine tomorrow morning and it is twice a day for ten days.

We have seen some runny poop and some mushy poop and a very few normal poops. She is still refusing to eat anything. I have given her water from a syringe like the doctor ordered. I will try some pumpkin a little later.

Haven't tried many veggies since we have only had her a week (Sunday) and she is so young (about 12 weeks).

Vet confirmed she is a girl and that she was most likely ill when we got her just not showing signs yet.

Bunny massage and water were most important to the vet and getting the medicine tomorrow.

I'll add more later this evening about her condition. I am so glad Pepsi is pulling through. You are a great bunny nurse and momma!:bunnynurse
Oh, I'm so glad the parasite can be treated!Hopefully she's back to normal after the 10 days are up! I don't like pet stores, most don't treat small animals very well and even some of their larger animals like dogs and cats. Darn pet stores make me angry sometimes. Getting a profit on poor sick animals :(.

That's good that she's poopig! I've always said, poop in any form is better then no poop! Especially if they are a bit runny, keep the syringing of water up. Try and see if you let her pellets soak in boiling water then give her that through the syringe, jsut see if she'll take it. I don't think if she doesn't want to take it willingly to force feed her at this time though. You could also try seeing ifshe'll drink luke warm water. Pepsi didn't really like it on the warm side, she liked it better a bit cold but it's worth a try because I've read some people's rabbits liked the bit warm water.

Oh, I didn't realize she was that young. Try dipping her hay in water?Pepsi's always liked when I did this and it might tempt her to eat. Did the vet say anything else? What are you feeding her now?

Hope she eats a bit tonight! I would just try the mashed up pellets and the hay dipped in water. Keep up the good work! :)

Thanks, I'm happy that Pepsi is getting better too! She's been through this not eating thing so many times I'm not too happy about it either!Good luck with your buuny and I'm sure she'll start to improve with the meds!

Do you have critical care where you? It's by oxbow anad you can usually get it at vets office. I think it's just powdered hay, but I'm not too sure.


Cinnabunny wrote:
We took her to the doctor today around 4pm. The doctor called us with the poop result - a bunny parasite that baby bunnies usually get if they are from a pet store. I will be able to pick up the medicine tomorrow morning and it is twice a day for ten days.

Was the parasite Coccidiosis? Intestinal Cocci are a normal inhabitant of the rabbit's intestinal flora (low cocci counts are normal). Only when the rabbit is already stressed or ill do they cocci overpopulate causing possible health issues, but they are generally not the original cause of the illness.

The meds will help kill of the overgrowth of cocci, but there still maybe some health issues. The causes of Cocci over population are generally stress, illness or a depressed immune system.

We give a small amount of Nutri Cal (for dogs/cats) to our rabbits that are off feed.

Hope your baby is feeling better soon!

The vet said is it rampant coccidia. The vet is native to Holland and treated many, many bunnies there. He said this is a common young bunny illness and when they are exposed young, if not treated, can die from it. He prescribed Albon Oral Suspension, 0.2mltwice a day for ten days. We have another vet appointment in two weeks.

On the bunny front:

Cinnabunny LOVES pumpkin!!!! She will willing eat pumpkin with raisin' candles' in it. She has some mushy poop and only this morning did she have poop matted on her bum. She is leaving her hutch and staying in her caged area more than before. She perks her head and ears up when we come in the room and noses toward the door when we open it. She still is not willingly hopping about but this is more moving than the past few days.

She is still very thin except for the large tummy area. I feel better this evening than all weekend that we have a chance for her living.

Thanks for the prayers and I will keep posting her progress. BTW - the medicine is said to taste like butterscotch and she seems to like that too!
Did the vet say ok for the pumpkin? It could be causing her poop to go mushy, but that should clear up. Hopefully she improves more! Sounds like she is improving to me :)

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