I'm not sure if I should take Pepsi to the vet or not. I talked to my mom about the possibility of taking her to get seen if she doesn't improve and my mom said it was up to me, and she'd pay half of the total vet bill.
Well Pepsi is eating a bit of vegetables, drinking and pooping a bit. I woke up at around 5:30. I found her with no poop (until then, she's been pooping ok, still small and hard or a bit mushy. I also found a normal sized poop but it had the texture of jello.) I got her out and gave her some simthecone and a tummy rub and let her go back. Right after she goes back, she acts normal, coming to see me, eating ect but in about three hours she goes back to only eating if I offer her something occasionaly and sitting on her blanket.
After I gave her the simthecone sheate a few pieces of celery, celery leaves, romaine lettuce, carrot tops. Just a bit of each. She's still drinking just a tiny bit less then normal and peeing.I let her eat wood and she was knawing on the food (do you think it'd be fiber for her) for about 15 minutes then she went downstairs to her pooping spot so I left her. When I came back I found some cecal droppings and a fed small normal droppings and she ate a bit more romaine.
I went down there half an hour ago to check on her, and she was on her blanket with small poops all around her and some squished poops so I tried to clean it off. She was there grinding her teeth with her eyes closed. She ate about half a piece of celery and then put her nose down(sign she doesn't want anymore). I found anotehr one of those jelly poops and it smelt skunky. I gave her maybe a tsp of oats and she ate a bit of it because I think she's getting soft droppings because of the vegetables but I want her to keep eating. Is the smelly droppings just the toxins from her body?
It'll be a week tomorrow night since she's been off, but she is improving. So, what should I do?
