Not.... Again.......

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
My day started out with a trip to the doc's for a fasting bloodwork panel. I had to wait a bit cause his nurse was out... she injured herself. But I was in and out in little time.....

I stopped to get my children a treat - donuts... but never made it to the store because I pulled into the parking lot and opened my door slightly.... started to look before opening it further to step out...... and BAM!!! Some idiot hit my truck.... I was parked, she was pulling in and she felt that it was my fault although her car crossed into my parking spot... The door wasn't open 6 inches....

She got out SCREAMING at me. She phoned her husband who showed up and started screaming at me. The police came and they were screaming at me and the police officer.... When all was said and done - the officer stayed until I left.... because these people were so volatile.

My new nickname: Bullseye.... I want a tshirt with one on it so I can just show people where to aim..... Crazy people and other cars.....

Hubby wigged out because I cancelled my son taking the horse to camp - they just aren't ready to go together.... he's not ready to ride a green horse and the horse is just too green for a green rider...... Hubby doesn't have a clue.....

Ifinally gothome to meetthe farrier at the barn.... My horses are in a run-out stall because...... well I don't really know why. I paid for flooring in my stalls then SIL moved them out..... where it gets muddy..... and mud sucked Dakota's 2 front shoes off...... 2 very expensive front shoes..... $300 to the Farrier for the horses today..... *sigh* Looking at my bill - something is wrong but I am just not even dealing with it. I don't know why but my horses do not like this guy and I am not real fond of him but he does do a good job. Dakota usually licks the farrier to death.... he doesn't even want to stand for this guy.

Lexi has a show Saturday.... she hasn't done her chores.... the rain has prevented her riding... and it's hotter than the blazes here right now..... I don't want to go.

My son is taking his SAT's Saturday..... I don't want to drive in traffic anymore....

My son took the truck to town - went to Best Buy and stopped at the grocery for me...... and locked himself out of the truck....... *sigh* I'm going to get him a matching bullseye shirt.....

I tend to get depressed and I know that this stuff is all just...... minor ..... but I'm depressed tonight!
Oh hon, I am so sorry to hear about all this! The idiot driver, I would have been yelling at!:grumpy:

You totally should've told me this earlier when I vented on you, now I feel bad:?.

I certainly hope things look up for you and your entire family very soon. I wish there was something I could do!

The Bullseye t-shirt sounds good, how bout, put a pic of it on your truck? LOL!
Oh I know those days!!! Sorry you had one though.. Its always the "good people" this happens too and you have every reason to feel down, but your a trooper, so you will "muck through" it all and come out better on the other side than the "angry" crazy people you dealt with..

Life is a roller-coaster you were just in a lull and tomorrow you will be at the top with the great view of the area!

Besides I really need you to be on top of your game tomorrow as I'm SURE, I'll need someone to talk me down for some stupid thing! LOL.. :p




But I will say.. you go smashin my truck and have the unmittigated gaul to go hollerin at me... yer gonna need some dental work.. I can assure you of that.

Some people..geez

Glad your ok Bo..

GoinBackToCali wrote:
But I will say.. you go smashin my truck and have the unmittigated gaul to go hollerin at me... yer gonna need some dental work.. I can assure you of that.

Some people..geez
Zin, you have such a reasonable way of putting things! :biggrin2: :p I love it!
LOL! Crystal - you got my mind off of it all - which was great! Talking about our boys and my brat girl re-messing their cages and such made me smile!

Julie, thanks! I know it could be so much worse and all - but sometimes I wonder why people seem to enjoy making things worse, ya know?

Zin, "Look what you've done to my car!!! Like I have time for this today!" ........ I looked at her burst out laughing ..... ticked her off too! :p She "threatened" me that her husband would be there in just a minute. I said "Umm.... SO?" :huhI didn't have my wedding band on - and yes, she looked...... as if she thought somehow she was better cause she was married........ I laughed at her again..... and seriously thought..... "Too bad I Don't have Bo with me, he'd kick her arse"..... and laughed some more....
Wow, talk about a bad day! When I encounter jerks like that I just get sweeter and nicer the nastier they get. It makes them sooo mad! Did anyone get a ticket?

The last time I was in an accident, it was about as friendly as it gets. It was just a silly accident - no reckless driving or anything. I even went to traffic court for the girl that hit me and testified for her and her ticket was dismissed.

Hope everything is looking up.:hug:
Gosh Bo that is some day you had... i just hate times like those when one thing happens and then other badthings seem to follow.. at the end of the day you just feel like doing this :pullhair:eek:r maybe this :faint:

So yeah..what did the police say?

Oh my gosh, Bo! First off, I'm glad you are ok. We'll see what we can do about that t-shirt!;)

You so totally win for crappiest day of the week, without even hearing the rest of our crappy week stories.... and you did it all in one trip, too. Ya shoulda decked the broad! Big deal the her husband was coming.... oooo, I'm so scared! Does he drive as poorly as you do, you moron? I love that you laughed at her.... just what she needed to let her know just exactly how VERY frightened you were at her outburst!

What did the policeman say about it all? And, maybe we should start a tank fund for you.... with the crazy drivers there, you need a tank to stay safe....You are definitely NOT allowed to do this again..... too stressful for us here..... we can't deal without you! Please, Bo, focus on our problems.... LOL!

Thanks! :)

The police officer just said that on a road - it's the opening door who is at fault, but that we were not on a road so it has to be determined by the insurance companies...

With that I went looking... and the things I have found are all:

  • The last vehicle moving (the car who hit me) is at fault
  • She has a greater responsibility because she was behind me
  • My photo of where she hit and the line on the pavement should prove that she had to enter my spot to have damaged the door where she did.
  • At the very least it will be no-fault and a 50/50 claim
  • That woman needs mental help - wait..... that wasn't online until I posted about it here! LOL!
Well it definitely sounds like she was at fault. I'm glad you had the presence of thought to take some photos at the scene. That should definitely help your case!
LOL! I love those shirts LOL! but the coat is awesome!

Now........ the adjuster sent her photo guy out and..... we were looking at the truck and talking...... I gave him copies of the photos I took at the scene... and suddenly I noticed........

She HIT MY RUNNING BOARD ON MY TRUCK with her tire!That proves she was in my parking spot! :yahoo:I feel much better! lol


Those shirts are awesome. I can't wait to hear what that woman has to say now.... she'll probably try to make it that you moved the lines! Still thinking about what could've happened if it had been you there instead of the door.... so glad you're ok!

I just re-read that and realized it made me sound like I am horribly violent.

I am 6ft3, a hair over that actually. Most people are intimidated by me because they equate size with toughness I guess. The fact is, I can run a good game, and have a stern face, and fool people, because in reality, I am a big pansy.

I rarely, if ever resort to violence, but thats not to say I have not had my moments. I can count on one hand.. ok.. 2 hands and a toe.. or 2.. the times I have come to use my flying fists of fury. In every instance, it was over my kids, my parents, or animals. Mostly animals and my kids, once over my folks. Never over a man..

I guess my point is... if you smash into my truck and act appropriately, I ain't gonna wail on ya.. however, ya get out, and go actin a fool, and actin all indignant and screamin at me.. which I can say.. hollerin at me just plain ticks me off, no matter who you are or for what reason.. yeah, I am highly likely to disturb your dental work.

That bit of randomness was brought to you by ZIN!!

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
GoinBackToCali wrote:
But I will say.. you go smashin my truck and have the unmittigated gaul to go hollerin at me... yer gonna need some dental work.. I can assure you of that.

Some people..geez
Zin, you have such a reasonable way of putting things! :biggrin2: :p I love it!
Ah Zin... I knew you were just venting your thoughts.. mine were more in the line of dismemberment.... but I was in tears by the time they finally left the parking lot. As well as I knew they were psycho, their verbal attacks were very hurtful when I was dealing with low bloodsugar, and just knowing how many times I've dealt with wrecks lately LOL!

A w w w w ... Poor Bo! :hug1 Some people are idiots, and some days it's just best not to get out of bed.

(I'll still trade you SIL's, though.:pleaseplease:)

GoinBackToCali wrote:
The fact is, I can run a good game, and have a stern face, and fool people, because in reality, I am a big pansy.
Zin... :shhhh:

sas :biggrin2:

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