Non stop digging

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Miami, Florida, USA
Oreo seems to be digging a lot more lately. She's crazy with it! Diggs everywhere, not to mention she's pretty aggressive with cardboard. She's always dug right before she would lay down and a little bit in corners.. but now she's on crazy dig mode.. she even started to dig her rug today. its the really low type rug and she was able to pull it up and tried to eat it! she has never done that to a rug. what could cause this sudden change? :?
one of mine did that TONS for a while (and still does sometimes), she kinda goes through phases with it. I couldn't find a way to get her to knock it off, so I just supplied her with a box of dirt so she could dig her heart out :p
She has so many boxes to dig in, which she does... but my goodness its all night long! when I wake up she's digging, when I clean her cage she's digging, digging digging digging!

This happened once before but she was pregnant. Not possible now since they have not been together! Unless by some weird instance she got pregnant thru the cage, i dont think thats possible though, I even have the areas where they meet lined with coroplast for this exact reason!!!!!!
its possible?

I'll just have to watch and see I guess.

This morning I woke up and she was digging of course so I walked over to her and opened the top of her cage, silly rabbit started digging on my shirt!!!
this has got to stop, she's a digging addict lol
I'm guessing it's a false pregnancy since she can still see and smell Bugsy. I really hope they weren't cleaver enough to get around the cloroplast! That would nominate them for bun-porn stars of the year :p

She's trying to make a burrow for the kits in her head. Poor girl will calm down after she gets fixed. Do you know when that will be?
My first rabbit (a neutered female) went through major digging and rearranging phases in the spring and in the fall. She free ranged in a bunny proofed room and throughout the house. Every spring and every fall she would rearrange all of the floor coverings, mats, sheets, cat beds, baby blankets, hay boxes in her room. She would did and tunnel like crazy and pile everything in mounds like she was making a new home. I would give her big piles of baby blankets and cotton sheets and spread them on the floor (neatly) each morning. She'd spend the day digging and rearranging and piling and tunnelling. When she had achieved total chaos, I would clean the room and neaten things up and she would start again. She really LOVED digging and tunnelling in piles of sheets and blankets. She amazed me with her engineering feats:) Seemed seasonal to me:?
I feel bad for her, poor baby!

I read that I should wait for at least a month after she weans the babies to lessen the blood flow in the area. I'm waiting for a call from the vets office about re-scheduling Bugsy's appointment, i'm hoping to schedule her too when I get that call. So in about a month or so I think she'll be spayed.
The hormones react like they are pregnant. They release egg folicules but they aren't fertilized. Sophie went through one before she was spayed, was nesting like crazy. The vet said there were lots of eggs but no babies (Houdini was already long neutered).

I think since it is so rare that an intact buck and doe would be able to see and smell each other in the wild and NOT be pregnant that it tricks her body into really thinking she is. So the hormones and everything goes through the pregnancy phases without ending in babies. It is physical as well as emotional.
Oh that makes perfect sense, thank you for that Brandy.

Well things have changed rather fast now. Just got off the phone with the vet and I explained she weaned her babies about 2 weeks ago and they told me its fine to have her done whenever now. So Oreo is getting spayed tomorrow.
I'm scared out of my mind now.. and i'm at work :(
:great: That's wonderful she can get in so fast! Tomorrow will be a long, stressful day for you waiting it out but I'm sure she will be fine. We will be here to get you through it. Sometimes I think it is harder on us worrying than it is on them. :hug:
Tommorrow is my birthday! I am on a google rampage right now.. reading on this as much as possible. I am all informed about neuters since Bugs was going in first but now I need to switch my reading to spays..

Thanks Brandy! :)

Happy Birthday!!!!

Really the only difference is that she will be a bit more sore and should have pain meds for 5 days rather than just a couple. Keeping her calm with no jumping will be the hardest part.
Thank you! thank you!! :) :hug: !

Do you think it would be a better idea to set up her old cage? Or should I just block off the upper levels of her NIC? hmm. Should she still be close to Bugs?
I would just block the levels. It will probably be less stressful having as much stay the same as possible. I would leave them close because he can comfort her while she is healing. I think bunnies whisper to each other and share secrets ;)