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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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London,, , United Kingdom
Still new at being a bunny mother, so sorry If this post seems rather pointless.
Last night, when I got the two rabbits out to play, Milly was groomingher toy dog, and I was sitting about two feet away, when she startedmaking this weird sort of throat honk. Kind of like a squeak, but withno high pitched noise, hard to describe. She didn't have anything to befrightened of, neither was she in any sort of pain or danger. What wasshe trying to say?:?
She might have been angry at the lack of response from the dog.;)Adult females make that kind of noise all the time.

CupCake will make a buzzing sound at me everyonce in a while. She also makes a sound similar to that of a pig oinkwhen she is eating something she likes. I love all the cute littlenoises she makes.

I always thought the oinking meant they wereaggravated. Beans will oink when i pick her up. Shedoesn fuss or anything, just this case its probably cuz sheis not happy right???
My bunny makes a honking noise when I clean thecage out. I think she might be annoyed because it is herterritory. Maybe your bunny is saying "this is mine" becauseshe likes it so much, maybe to let the other rabbit know.
Holly will make a cute little squeak when she isdrinking. We love her sounds. Especially when she starts to talk to usin her purrs.

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