Noises bunnys make...

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:pSomething like this tho makes ya feel it REAL fast...LOL.

Thanks for the help, sorry if this seems like a self pity prolly is, I've had a very sh#%ty few days...LOL
lol i know how you feel, i had a knee injury 4years ago...and on rainy days my knee looks like a softball and walkingsuddenlyturns into a task!

dont ever feel bad about venting off about this stuff ... you'd go madif you didnt and I am more than happy to listen and provide anyhelp/relief i can :D
amazing what some sleep will do for ya....

as discussed i've gotten on a more regular schedule with the painkillers, still didn't sleep but a couple hours last nite...thentoday..slept til after 1 :shock::shock:

Feeling better mentally than I have in days...and the leg seems to be a lil less grumpy too!

Thanks FreddysMom for the make sure that lil man knows what a great mom he has!
Hey, if you are on Lortab 7.5, then it has 500mgof tylenol (acetomenophen) in it. You might want to ask forsome Toradol - it helps muscle pain and can give you some relief sinceyour surgery. We always gave a few shots of Toradol topatients after they came back from surgery - especially hipreplacements and knee replacements. It will knock thatsoreness right out. HTH - HopeThisHelps.

PGG Happy to hear you are feeling a bit better, sleep deprivation canbe a real bugger and get ya down, so that's great if you can getsome(sleep that is) ;)

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