Noises bunnys make...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
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Corky's Cave, , USA
Well, as you know I had reconstructive kneesurgery late last week...they changed my pain meds and I took the firstone this morning...I tell ya, I didn't know WHAT was going on.....firstI kept hearing the phone ring.....and it really wasn't when I checkedcaller ID....

NextI swear the toilet kept flushing.....and it was only meand the bunnies home...So I guess to mess with me in my drug inducedstupor, they were sneaking out flushin the toilet......It was like acase of the mad toilet flushing bunnies...this went on for hours...I'dhear one of em make noise like they were jumping around...thenwooosh...the toilet....

For the afternoon I backed off that one...gonna try ittonite.....hopefully they won't be up all nite flushingtoilets again...don't they know water isn't cheap where we live??

Anyway....even their regular playing noises and such had me wonderingwhat was going wasn't just normal bunny noises...crazy stuff Itell ya!

Maybe its Corky's way of getting back at me since I haven't had him out much....:shock:If so, it worked!

No Pain medications should have that typeof reaction , Are you seeing things thatare n ot there also ? Please Pgg callyour Dr thats not anormal reaction to pain medicastion!.
GET OFF THE MEDS! sorry to be alarming but idont want anything bad happening to you!:(! see the doc and ask him anddont try the meds tonight! you never know whats going on. in ur bodythat is. it could be a bad reaction. please get it checked out. updateus. feel better =[.

***Puts on her motherly voice*** And so you darned well should talk to the quack(dr) about it !!!

***Puts on her friend voice*** Please make sure you do, sounds asthough there is something not right with you and those tablets, don'ttake them tonight maybe try a panadol or mersyndol or something insteadat least to get you through the night and then see what happenstomorrow.

Please keep us updated on how you are.

Wishing you a speedy and easy recovery (well lets hope it's a bit easier than it has been so far)

PGG...whats the name of the pain killer you areon? ...with any strong narcotic its extremely common to have sideeffects of ringing in your ears, tunnel vision..basically just beingwhacked out until your body may not even be on anarcotic .. they may have you on a new class of pain killers called"hypnotics" and they do just as the name states ... the pillsthemselves dont actually stop the pain ... their job is just to whackout and confuse your body enough so it doesnt recognizethepain thus you dont feel it.

this said, it is still possible your doctor has you on too high of adosage...height/weight isnt always the best method forprescribing...and most of all if you dont feel comfortabletakingby all meansask for a different prescription!!

hope as is well!! and tell Corky to stop playing games with you!!
mambo101 wrote:
Where's DrPeterKraz when you need him. And what the heckevery happened to him anyway??:shock:

mambo I was wondeing the same thing myself a couple of days ago as I was going through some old posts.
Does anyone know????
Lortab 7.5, was on oxycodone...sadly...neitherone is nixing the pain, or really even close.....I'm miserable.....butas of last nite and this morning the bunnies stopped flushingtoilets...lil stinkers!!!

Had my followup and things look good, they did do an ultrasound to ruleout blood clots due to the level of pain I'm still leg isso weak I can barely pick it up to move it....I'm starting to getpretty down and frustrated about it...and I'm not sleeping much...soexhausted on top of it all!! I keep waking up thinking...maybe THIS isthe day I feel alot better? Sadly....hasn't happened yet....

Hubby and son have been beyond wonderful helping...just feel bad I pretty much have to depend on them 100% at this point...

Anyway, Freddy'sMom, hope that answers your question.....thanks all...
if you find neither of those are helping withyour pain, you may need to be upped a dose said you were alreadyon oxycodone (percocet) .. you can ask to have an Rx of percocet 10'sthey are the next step up and given out for severepain..the Lortab is combination vicodin/tylenol soif you switch to the perc 10's you may have to take thetylenolseparately....another option is the hypnoticgroup i told you about can askfor ultracet which is atramadol/tylenolcombo or Ultram which is just a last resort and only thatif youabsolutely feel you need it you can ask for an Rx ofoxycontin..........and at the very worst they can give you a morphinepatch to wear on your knee

the problem with painkillers is that one kind doesnt always have thesame effect on everyone...for some vicodin has no effect whilepercocet's can be a god send. i know its difficult right now cuz yourein pain and whacked from the pain killers, but you need to evaluatewhich relieved your pain the most and maybe just up the dose. also asimple increase in the tylenol may be the answer as well. swellingcauses much undue pain. hope this helps!!!
Thanks for the help.....I understand that whileon the lortab I shouldn't be using tylenol? Does that hold true even ifI'm not taking it as much as listed on the bottle? Can I supplement w/some tylenol, or is that a bad idea?

Thanks again......I don't know what you do for a living, but you sureseem knowledgable about this medical stuff!!! I truly appreicate theinsight!
I wouldn't mess with the tylenol while takingthe Lortab ...i dont know exactly how much tylenol is in it... does itsay on the bottle? you should not take more than 4grams (4000miligrams) of tylenol a day ...even still if the lortab doesnt havethat much i wouldnt b/c your liver is already working double timeprocessing out the narcotics along with the tylenol .........also howlong are they planning on having you on painkillers for ? if its overan extended period of time i would havea liver enzyme test(simple blood test)done make sure everything is gettingfiltered out properly otherwise that stuff builds up in there and itspossible to very easily overdose on tylenol (most people that OD onpainkillers dont actually die from the narcotic, but the tylenol). Thebest thing you can do is sit and talk to your doctor ..i can only offersuggestions b/c i dont know the exact details of everything ..butbetter to go in armed with infothan just saying my kneestillhurts :)oh and dont put up with any you'll getused to or if he looks at you cross eyed takes 2 seconds to writeout a new Rx or take your blood ...too many docs are lazy and stuck intheir ways.

what i could suggest with the oxycodone is first see on the bottle ifits combined with tylenol (acetaminophen) ..if not youcan take up to 8, 500mg pills a day (those are the extra strengthgeltab ones) ..that combination may work better for you.

lol this is just the stuff ill be doin for the rest of my geek here :p
Very cool! :thumbs:Lortab says 7.5/50 tab.

My doc is cool about it...he's just trying to push me harder on gettingmy range of motion back, which I understand, but when it hurts likeh311 just laying there not doing anything...that is a MAJOR issue, yaknow? Maybe I'm just not taking these often enough andscrewin myself in the process, thats most likely I tend to nottake em til it starts hurting, and I know thats not good...just don'tlike bein so doped up, ya know?

No plans to be on them long term, more of an as needed typething....The surgery I had is pretty extensive and the drilled a tunnelthru my entire leg...rerouted ligaments and attached them to the bonewith screws...gee, no wonder I hurt, eh?
Good for him pushing you ... its very importantb/c if not the ligaments will become too tight and it will cause longerrehab and therapy (which i a sure you know already since you had to gothru this once before) you still have that nurse coming to yourhouse?? when i had to go thru physical therapy for my knee,they would give me electric stim. for like 20 minutes before hand andit helped wonders so that i could perform my exercises correctly andwith more ease. see maybe if he could arrange something like that foryou!

i know what you mean about feeling doped up ...maybe if you take themevery 5 or 6 hours instead of 4 that would help a bit more? the sideeffects will eventually wear off a bitand youll feel lessfoggy..cuz if youre waiting to take them until it starts to hurt ..themedicines usually take about an hour to get thru your system and reachtheir you kinda have to take them on a preventative scheduleif that makes any sense.....

ugh...i cant imagine the pain youre in..much credit to you for dedalingwith it grandmother had her knee replaced about 6 years ago andshe went thru hell with it !
I didn't really read thewhole thread, so I may have missed somethings, but...I would try tochange those meds too. Although, I've had medicine do that tome. I am allergic to whatever they use in Tylenol Cold and ohboy! It does crazy things to me. I hear and seethings and feel like things are crawling on me. I've alsotaken sleeping pills that make me really nuts. I tend to cryand do things that I later don't remember. It's kind offunny, but also really scary.

Call that doctor!! Get new drugs!! And FeelBetter!!!!

cirrustwi wrote:
I didn't really read the whole thread,so I may have missed somethings, but...I would try to change those medstoo. Although, I've had medicine do that to me. Iam allergic to whatever they use in Tylenol Cold and oh boy!It does crazy things to me. I hear and see things and feellike things are crawling on me. I've also taken sleepingpills that make me really nuts. I tend to cry and do thingsthat I later don't remember. It's kind of funny, but alsoreally scary.

Call that doctor!! Get new drugs!! And FeelBetter!!!!

i was really stressed had this terrible bougt of insomnia onceso my doctor put me on Sonata for a week.....NEVER again made mehave theseCRAZY hallucinations...i was so scared that i wouldfall asleep from having my eyes shut so tight!!
Did you have any rehab after the surgery? Itseems like the norm now after most reconstructive knee/hip surgery yougo into a rehab unit for 7 to 10 days of intence PT, OT and painmanagement. Most all insurence plans cover it - at least they do herein NY state.
I do pray you are feeling better soon. Most people I know who have hadknee surgery are just thrilled with the results - after the initialpain and suffering of course!

Yeah, I'm in PT now...2x a week and what I tryto do at home..and I do mean try....but its so hard andexhausting..hopefully in the next few days it'll get easier....

Yes, I had this surgery on the other leg, 11 years now I'm that much older etc.....Life is grand! NOT!
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Yeah, I'm in PT now...2x a week and what I try to do athome..and I do mean try....but its so hard and exhausting..hopefully inthe next few days it'll get easier....

Yes, I had this surgery on the other leg, 11 years now I'm that much older etc.....Life is grand! NOT!
ohhhhhhhh yeah MUCH older !!! ... j/k you are so NOT old, PGG!!

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