I would never use ivermectin on reptiles. Their blood-brain barrier is quite different from the mammalian one, and the ability of ivermectin to get into the brain is how it causes toxicity. I have read that it is toxic to tortoises, and would have to find convincing evidence that the blood-brain barrier in other herps is quite different and more "sound" to use it in others.
Tony is eating well, but slowly so we keep the two separate. The fact that I'm enticing him with really tasty food and pedialyte also makes Muffin snarf down his share more quickly. They're not happy to be apart, but it's important that I can tell how much he's eating. I had them together for most of the day yesterday and it drove me crazy that he'd eat a few bites and stop, and then Muffin would eat the rest. He goes back to the food more often.
I let him run around the whole apartment last night and he did just fine. I think his vision is back, or he's a lot smarter than I had previously thought and he's navigating based on memory and whiskers. I'm weaning him off the metoclopramide since he's eating well on his own and pooping. His food preferences have shifted it seems, he prefers hay, which is great. I don't want to stop the laxative immediately because his system has probably gotten used to it, so I have just been increasing the time between doses. He also gets a fair amount of ProBios.