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well its time!!

over the last few days, Jazz has been driving me nuts with the noise shehas been making at night. She has been shuffling things around, pushing objects across the floor and tearing up any material or paper she finds. Shehas been digging and scratching away like a little mad thing.
Now if you recall, I had her at the vets and after a quick physical, it seemed we were not to expect any kits. Jazz has since put on a bit moreweight and with her behaviour, I am assuming that there is a possibility there will be babies.
Jazz has been friendly and happy and eating lots and drinking well too. Tomorrow she will be 28 days along if she is expecting.
She is normally a house bun with no particular place that she rests in, althouh she has an open hutch she prefers to snuggle up in her favourite corner for naps and most of her nights. So the challenge was to find a place for her to feel comfortable in to have her litter.
I moved her hutch out of traffic and set in up behind my bookcase under an overhang that is secluded and hard to get to if you are not a sleek bunny.
She LOVES it. Her levels of agitation have completely vanished. The cage door is left open and all she wants to do is relax in her new little hidey hole!
I padded the shelter bit of the little hutch with newspaper and loads of fresh bedding hay. While I was setting this all up, Jazz seemed to know exactly what was going on, she kept nuzzling my feet while I spoke to her and was so cute! She inspected her new home every step of the way.
over the last few days, Jazz has been driving me nuts with the noise shehas been making at night. She has been shuffling things around, pushing objects across the floor and tearing up any material or paper she finds. Shehas been digging and scratching away like a little mad thing.
Now if you recall, I had her at the vets and after a quick physical, it seemed we were not to expect any kits. Jazz has since put on a bit moreweight and with her behaviour, I am assuming that there is a possibility there will be babies.
Jazz has been friendly and happy and eating lots and drinking well too. Tomorrow she will be 28 days along if she is expecting.
She is normally a house bun with no particular place that she rests in, althouh she has an open hutch she prefers to snuggle up in her favourite corner for naps and most of her nights. So the challenge was to find a place for her to feel comfortable in to have her litter.
I moved her hutch out of traffic and set in up behind my bookcase under an overhang that is secluded and hard to get to if you are not a sleek bunny.
She LOVES it. Her levels of agitation have completely vanished. The cage door is left open and all she wants to do is relax in her new little hidey hole!
I padded the shelter bit of the little hutch with newspaper and loads of fresh bedding hay. While I was setting this all up, Jazz seemed to know exactly what was going on, she kept nuzzling my feet while I spoke to her and was so cute! She inspected her new home every step of the way.