Ninchen Blog - 2009

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irishlops wrote:
omg! sorry for posting above post.

Don t worry about that!

Bunny people understand how it feels to let a bun go...
Lot of other people think it is crazy to pay vet bills for a bunny.
So I don t talk about much about this in RL.

Yeah, Kandis was licking everything again and again.

It is snowing again!:shock:

I took some more pics of rabbits in the snow.
Simply had to!
Im so in love with Pepe and Klopfer, they look like little stuffed animal toys! And those pictures of Kandis are so precious. What a beauty.

How is Anise doing? Is she on any antibiotics?

Anise wound got worse, it was puss-filled and had to be opened again.

She could not move her hind legs at all, (She has a deformed spine and from time to time it gets worse...)

Then she has bites all over her hind legs, I do not know if she or Cinnamon did this.

Perhaps she bites herself because of pain in the legs or he bites her because she is not normal.

Either way, they are unbonded now and I am not sure if I can ever bond them again.

Anise is lonesome without other rabbits, but they all tend to bite her (We have been through the wohle thing 5 times...)

Then she has white stuff in her fur, no idea what that is.
Vet checked for parasites, mites and fungi. Nothing!

She is on antibiotics and metacam now.

We have the sixth appointment at the vet on Wednesday.

Oh I am so sorry to hear about Anise. That must be really upsetting for everyone. It's a shame yhe other's want nothing to do with her. Nature isn't fair!
Hi! I just came across your new blog. I loved the pics of your bunnies from your first blog :) and i'm enjoying all the new pics here!

I'm so sorry about Kandis, I didn't realise she has passed on. Rest in peace, sweet girl.

One of my bunnies, Hans, has malocclusion like Cinnamon. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a vet here who is able to extract his incisors :( so he goes to the vet every 4-5 weeks for a tooth trim.

How is Anise doing?
Anise is ok, the wound is healing now, but it is not closed.

Still thinking about re-bonding Anise and Cinnamon, but not sure how to start.:?
Aw, I'm sorry about Anise. I'm glad she is starting to improve though. I wouldn't suggest trying to rebond them until she is completely healthy and healed from this. After that then yes, you lose nothing by giving it a go :) You might want to try a car journey with them both, or maybe some vanilla dotted above their noses, other than that, the basic rules apply of neutral territory, etc. Hopefully it will go smoothly for you :)
i agree with car jounery. my girl caramel, "even if she is going to the vets"and no bumpy roads, looks like she enjioyes it.
maybe it would be fun with company?
They both hate it, but perhaps that will help.

I really like to have Cinnamons front theeth removed completley.

They grow fast and wrong and he does not use them.

And it would certainly stop him to bite Anise.:blushan:

But I dont think I will find a vet who does that over here.:?
I found two vets with experience with rabbit dental problems.

Both recommended to remove Cinnamons incissors completley.

So I decided to go to the friendlier vet, also she is 50 minutes away by car.

Cinnamons surgery will be at the 19th of March and I ordered special food like Critical Care, just in case he does not like to eat veggies immediately after the removal.

I hope he will not fell amputated and get depressed.

At least he will have a bun-friend in Anise, who won t chase him around or dominate him otherwise.

The re-bonding will start, when he is feeling fine again.
Just hope there won t be any complications!

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