I need some cheering up.
Three bad things happend this week:
First our landlord phoned because he wanted to repair the roof under our roof deck...
and that meant we had to tear down the rabbit home and remove it (and the rabbits, too of course), we had 24 hours for this...
I had to seperate the bonded four rabbits and put them in four cages somewhere in our flat...they are not litter trained.
I donât know if I can restore the bond...:tears2:
We have to built a new hutch...pay for the wood.:grumpy:
Anise had some trouble with her back again, I mean she always has,
but she wasnât able to get up at all, she lay on her side.
We had to put her up and hold her for a while in a sitting position.
We have to watch her closley...she would starve inches from her food and water...
And then Cinnamon got ill. His left eye is dripping, he sneezes and his left lip is swollen...I guessed the abscess was back!
I went to the vet near by on Monday...she opened his mouth and a lot of pus went out ...:shock::tears2:
The vet gave him baytril and metacam, but was sure that Cinnamon must have some trouble with his molars.
Didn't make any sense to me! She wanted to look at the molars in narcosis on friday.
Intuition told me to go to a really rabbit savy vet.. the one who pulled his incisors.
And so we went, thank god we did. (1 hour drive, the first vet is five minutes away).
Of course it was the abscess again. The first vet didn't cure it completly and she didnât treat Cinnamon right this time, too... I am even sure now, that Kandis would live today, if we ever went with her to a rabbit savy vet, instead of trusting the nearest vet.
Cinnamons molars are fine. The narcosis would have been unnecassary stress and no help at all with the abscess!
The rabbit savy vet cleaned/flushed his tear duct and removed most of the pus through the fistula. We have to do this too and inject penicillin every second day. He gets eye drops and by now he sneezes less.
Last night I woke from a loud crash...Cinnamon jumped on the window sill in the living room and kicked the flower pots down.:shock::bunnydance:
He doesnât know that he is ill!
What makes me angry: I still have to pay for the visit to the first vet. Plus the bills from the new one of course.
The next appointment is next tuesday.