Nimue's Ear...

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Thanks pam. I never even accounted forthem "licking" things like that. Gosh, we have a lot to thinkabout sometimes with their sensitive little systems!

I, too, checked ears due to this thread. It's definitely something we need to remember to do.

Bo likes ear checks about as much as he likes nail clippings. :X
Nim's ears seem to be much better today, they areless red then they were yesterday. I looked for fleas, mites andanything else that can move and I didnt see anything, but it is reallyhard to look in 7in ears! I was watching him this morning and he itcheshis ear with his back foot and the scratches look like he just gothimself a little harder then he was planning too. If they get anyworse, or if i see the scartches in other places, its off to the vetfor Nim (He is gonna like that for sure! :p)

Thanks to every one who offered advice, its so nice to have a placewhere people care about your rabbit's ear!

lanna21974 wrote:
ayglnu13 wrote:

Oh, I heard you could see them. And then when you posted i doubted i had to look it up, ^ that site is what I found.

I am glad to say Nim does not have Mites...:D
The site says that fur mites can be seen with the naked eye. Earmites cant. ;)Theyre two different types of mites.


Ya i know that, i read the site, i was just saying he didnt have any of the symptoms of the ear mites.

I had mistaken fur mites for ear mites, thats why i thoughtIwould be ablesee them. When i said "I am glad tosay Nim does not have Mites..." i meant that he it didint look like hehad any of the ear mite symptoms.
Nope -- I have viewed fur mites under amicroscope -- they cannot be seen with the naked eye. I havealso never been able to actually see the mites in cases of earcanker. Lice can be seen easily with the naked eye.

Excerpt from

"The creatures themselves are too small to be seen with the naked eye."

Excerpt from "Rabbit Health 101" by Kathy Smith:

" . . . the mites can be seen under a microscope"

Excerpt from

"Diagnosis is made by a rabbit veterinarian examining some of thedebris from the ear canal under a microscope. Also these mites (and/ormite movement) can usually be seen with the naked eye through anotoscope. " MY NOTE: An otoscopemagnifies -- so would not actually be considered viewing with the"naked eye".



everything Itype makes me sound like an Idiot...

I thought you were able to see mites,i was wrong, the mites i was thinking of were the Fur mites, not the ear mites.

I know you cant see ear mites, but he doesn't have any ear wax build up or any other symptoms of ear mites.

Nim doesn't have ear mites, just scratches. But i used ear mite preventative just incase.
ayglnu13 wrote:
everything Itype makes me sound like an Idiot...

I thought you were able to see mites,i was wrong, the mites i was thinking of were the Fur mites, not the ear mites.

I know you cant see ear mites, but he doesn't have any ear wax build up or any other symptoms of ear mites.

Nim doesn't have ear mites, just scratches. But i used ear mite preventative just incase.
Hi Amy,

I was checking all of our buns' ears this weekend and was thinking about Nim.

How are his ears doing?? Were they just scratches like Binkie's??

I think I am gonna have to bring him into thevet. He still has these like red marks in his ear...and I cant tell ifit is like just a place where he itched or he has mites :? mmm anyideas that could kill the mites? Will using mineral oil bother his ear?

I use warm water and critter shampoo (availableat most pet stores). Before the bath, I use hydrogen peroxideon their feet (to remove urine stains and dirt stains). OH-Ihave two black & white Dutch bunnies (I use this technique tokeep their white feet white). Immediately after wiping theirfeet with hydrogen peroxide, I put them in the bath. If youuse this technique to remove stains, you must (I repeat-MUST) put themright in the bath. Don't let them lick their feet withhydrogen peroxide on them. (Sorry to sound repetitive- DO NOTlet them lick their feet!)

Also, it is easier to clip their nails after bathtime. Itseems like the water slighty softens their nails, to give a smoothercut.
Sounds like goodadvice to me! It makes good sense that soft nails would be easier toclip....Amy, I noticed in a couple places today where you explained howto pronounce your bunny's name! Thank Goodness! :pI stillhadn't figured it out!

ayglnu13 wrote:
Ithink I am gonna have to bring him into the vet. He still has theselike red marks in his ear...and I cant tell if it is like just a placewhere he itched or he has mites :? mmm any ideas that could kill themites? Will using mineral oil bother his ear?


Mineral oil is fine to use. It's one of the more conservative treatments for ear mites.

If they're just scratches you could use some Neosporin. That's what I used on Binkie and she's all better now.

JimD wrote:
Mineral oil is fine to use. It's one of the more conservative treatments for ear mites.

If they're just scratches you could use some Neosporin. That's what I used on Binkie and she's all better now.


Thanks! I'll try the Neosporin tonight! I don’t really think he has earmites, because people say that there would be a lot of wax and it sometimes smells, he has neither of these symptoms. He just has small redscratches. If the Neosporin doesn’t work then I will take him to thevet.


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