Hi Amy!!
Of course I went home last night and checked all of my buns ears (which is something that we should be doing anyway
I found some abrasions on Binkies ears. They have come and gone sincewe got her 6 wks ago. They worried us at first, but they show up andthen are almost healed in a few days. Her ears are otherwise normal,healthy, loppy ears.. ..inside and out. Very clean, nocritters, no flakes, etc.
We realized that, coming from a pet store and being a small young lop, we could have a variety of things going on.
Then I thought to check her nails. Her nails are really small and growtips quite rapidly. We have clipped her nail twice since we've had herand she's due again :shock:. Good thing she good about cliptime!
After observing her grooming I came to the conclusion that she'sprobably doing it to herself and we need to keep her nails clipped. Weclip her nails and everything heals up. Her nails grow back and theissue starts all over again. It's happened twice and I found some smallscratches last night. They show up in almost the same place on her ear,too.
This only makes me more vigilant about watching for other conditions that might surface, though.
A few of our buns have developed "mystery wounds" in the past and inmost cases we've somewhat determined that they had scratched themselves.
We apply Neosporin/Pain Relief, rub it in, hold the buns for a bit sothey can't lick it off right away, give a treat....wait..observe..2-3days repeat maybe..result: Happy bunnie! Beyond that I wouldhave probably gone to the vet (i'm another worrywart)
It's something to consider anyway. Nim's ear condition looks very similar to the scratches on Binkie's.
How's he doing today??