Nimue's Ear...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Nimmyville, Massachusetts, USA
Hello! This morning i was checking Nimue over (my Flemish Giant) and i saw this in his ear....


I dont think that it is mites or anything like that, I am probablyoverreacting, and it is probably just scratches....but i wanted to seewhat you guys thought of it.
It is in the black "circle"

Thanks for your help!
~Amy + Nimue~
To be on the safe side, I would apply some ear mite medication on the ear (cat brands are available at the pet store).

it doesnt look like anything too bad but maybeyou should call your vet and ask over the phone. just describe it andmaybe they could tell you something rt away on the phone. saves youlike $30 instead of going in.
pamnock wrote:
Tobe on the safe side, I would apply some ear mite medication on the ear(cat brands are available at the pet store).


Hi Pam!!

Since Buck's incident, I've been scared to used meds on my buns without thoroughly researching.

Was the Ivermectin horse worming paste a med formites? I remember he said he used it because he noticed flakes.

Can mineral oil be used in a case like Nim's?


JimD wrote:

Hi Pam!!

Since Buck's incident, I've been scared to used meds on my buns without thoroughly researching.

Was the Ivermectin horse worming paste a med formites? I remember he said he used it because he noticed flakes.

Can mineral oil be used in a case like Nim's?


Yes, in a mild case, mineral oil might be enough to deter the mites.

Most medicated ear mites available OTC containPyrethrins (seead on webpage below), which in large doses have been known to causereactions in rabbits. Kitten flea powder could also be usedin the ears, but once again, these compounds cause reactions on rareoccasions.


Ya Amy, they look likescratches to me also,But to be on the safe side get him some ear mitstuff. We dont want that bid ol' boys of yours to get sick. Keep USposted.

Ashley and Thumper
While we aretalking about do you all clean ears on a regular basis? Doyou wash them gently with warm water and soap? Do you use a cotton balland oil? Do you wash them at all? I was going to use baby soap and warmwater on a soft cloth on Sebastian's but I thought I'd see what you alldo first.

Well, Raspberry I'm glad you asked that first! Ithought about if I should wash the skin in them or anything? he's sogood about it but......

I also might seem reallllly confused here (which is not unusual for melol ) but Wasn't the ivermectin used orally? or was it topical for therabbit?
Jenniblu wrote:
How do his ears look on the inside? Could he havefleas? Fleas seem to like light and/or white coloredanimals.

Ilookedin his ears and I didnt see anything, but Ialso have never seen fleas. I dont see how he could get them, he hasntgone outside since october, and the dogs that i walk are treated forfleas every month, i dont know maybe one of them was carryng fleas. Igot the mite stuff but should i use it on a rabbit? It says its forcats but willit have any side effects if used on a rabbit. Ihave never had a flea problem ever.
You can actually carry fleas in on your shoes and clothing.

I couldn't believe it yesterday we had a bee in the house! :shock:It's still cold here!!!
Wow, i didnt know that....i now i feel like ihave fleas all over me.....*shudders* yuck. How would i get rid offleas in his ears? Blah i have no idea what to do with fleas! Any infowould help!

~Amy + Nimue~
I have used both cat flea powder (for the fleas)and cat ear mite eardrops (for possible ear mites) without anyproblems. I would just make sure you can be home and watchNimue the first time you try any new medicines in case he has areaction.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Well, Raspberry I'm glad you asked that first! I thoughtabout if I should wash the skin in them or anything? he's so good aboutit but......

I also might seem reallllly confused here (which is not unusual for melol ) but Wasn't the ivermectin used orally? or was it topical for therabbit?

In Buck's case, the Ivermectin had been administeredorally. In can also be injected and used topically.Topical applications can also cause a reaction as the drug is absorbedthrough the skin.

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
While we are talking do you all clean ears on a regular basis? Do you wash themgently with warm water and soap? Do you use a cotton ball and oil? Doyou wash them at all? I was going to use baby soap and warm water on asoft cloth on Sebastian's but I thought I'd see what you all dofirst.

I was just thinking of making a post about this :p
Do it, Nepo!

I don't mess with cleaning my rabbits ears. I leave that to them andthe vets. Tucks gets some waxy ears. Sometimes I'll use some Eradimiteto break it down.

* * * * *

Poor Mr. Nim.

I'm thinking and praying for you and him. I've found you can't go wrong following any advice that Doc Nock gives.


thanks pam! I thought that's what it was but wasn't sure.

I wonder if it is as potent used topically ?

All this ear talk/concern makes me need to go check Bo's. I'm such a worrywart :?
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I wonder if it is as potent used topically ?

Depends on the individual. I've seen serious neurologicalreactions due to medications applied topically that were absorbedthrough the skin. One of the most common risks would becat/flea powder or drops. (In some cases, the medication waslicked off, resulting in a toxic reaction).

Hi Amy!!

Of course I went home last night and checked all of my buns ears (which is something that we should be doing anyway ;))

I found some abrasions on Binkies ears. They have come and gone sincewe got her 6 wks ago. They worried us at first, but they show up andthen are almost healed in a few days. Her ears are otherwise normal,healthy, loppy ears.. ..inside and out. Very clean, nocritters, no flakes, etc.

We realized that, coming from a pet store and being a small young lop, we could have a variety of things going on.

Then I thought to check her nails. Her nails are really small and growtips quite rapidly. We have clipped her nail twice since we've had herand she's due again :shock:. Good thing she good about cliptime!

After observing her grooming I came to the conclusion that she'sprobably doing it to herself and we need to keep her nails clipped. Weclip her nails and everything heals up. Her nails grow back and theissue starts all over again. It's happened twice and I found some smallscratches last night. They show up in almost the same place on her ear,too.

This only makes me more vigilant about watching for other conditions that might surface, though.

A few of our buns have developed "mystery wounds" in the past and inmost cases we've somewhat determined that they had scratched themselves.

We apply Neosporin/Pain Relief, rub it in, hold the buns for a bit sothey can't lick it off right away, give a treat....wait..observe..2-3days repeat maybe..result: Happy bunnie! Beyond that I wouldhave probably gone to the vet (i'm another worrywart)

It's something to consider anyway. Nim's ear condition looks very similar to the scratches on Binkie's.

How's he doing today??

