Because it has a lot of grains and sugars/carbs, it's not something I would feed, particularly because of the corn, as excess sugars/carbs in a rabbits diet, can lead to digestive issues and mushy cecotropes. And if there are whole dried hard corn pieces, it may not even be safe to give as it could pose a intestinal blockage risk(with whole hard kernels). apples, locust,gut motility must be present.
Personally I prefer to stick with leafy greens as treats. I pick my own forage, which will vary, but usually ribwort plantain, dandelion, apple or willow leaves, parsley, carrot tops. These are mostly high calcium greens, so I only feed a few and limited amounts, balanced with mostly a green leafy lettuce(not iceberg) as they are low in calcium.
If you do keep feeding that foraging mix. it's really more of a treat food, so should only be fed in very limited amounts, which you're already doing. But only if your rabbit does't experience digestive upset or mushy cectropes from it being in the diet.
If you're looking for some better prepackaged forage mixes, I haven't tried them, but the small pet select look a litte better, as they don't contain corn, and the grains are oats and aren't the first ingredient, making it a lesser portion than the greens/flower forage. Some of their forage mixes are better than others.
What to look for in any mix, is more green forage and less grains or seeds. Also fruit and flowers, would be considered treats, so lesser portions. The lower down on the list grains and seeds are, the lesser portion is in it. And I wouldn't get any that contain corn.
Also if there are a lot of high calcium greens, too much shouldn't be fed, and this could cause problems for bladder sludge prone rabbits, in which case minimal amounts should only be fed, if at all.
There are a lot of people selling foraging mixes on etsy, though if you consider this, just be cautious, as you want a reputable supplier. You just don't want to risk something contaminated being in there, or toxic.