Sorry, haven't been updating much, been busy with tests and other stuff
Christmas Eve; I went to do some last-minute shopping for pressies! The rabbits got treats and this wood block thing (they dimolished that!). The treats are like different coloured sticks and they absolutely
LOVE THEM!! Tyson got a Doggie-Bag which had treats and toys but he kinda ripped everything up when we left him downstairs on his own!
I'll get a pic later (of buns treats when Im feeding them their night food.
Yesterday I was cleaning out the hutch, and I realised that its such a bother cleaning it out every 2 days (the hutch looks quite horrible after4days!). When I scrub the hutch floor, it does be soaking wet after words and so much kitchen-roll/toilet paper goes to waste. So I was thinking of things that I could put on the hutch floor so that it would be easy for me to clean. I was looking at the argos book (
www.argos.ie -sells loads of house things), to see if I could find anything suitable but I couldnt really find anything. So I went into Guineys today(sells towels, bath stuff, clothes, chairs etc.) and I had a look at the bath mats. I was looking for something kinda like this
http://www.diversamedicalsupply.com/catalog/images/523-1742-1900%20Bath%20Mat%201.jpg but they had no plastic ones.
So I got this one:
Ok, so its really dark out (better pic later, or 2morro!)
While I was in Guineys I also got..
I had to pick it up <3 :biggrin2:
While I was in town I went into Chapters (book shop) to have a look at rottweiler and of course rabbit books. The rabbit books were tiny (like the size of the average person palm!) so I found this book ..
It has really good stuff like, nutrition, how to tell if your bunny is sick, anatomy, housing, different breeds, showing purchasing and care.
How to : hutch
Reproduction (has cute baby pics
I also got a rottweiler book which has everything in it too.
Bunny pics later
Im gonna ask my mam to ring the corporation in the morning to fix our back light so I can actually see what Im doing when I am in the back garden
Usually my neighbour's light is on lol. I think we have a torch or something, somewhere so I'll try find that
Em, yeah I think that's all today. Nothing exciting!
1st pic: New bath mat!
2nd pic: "Happy Bunnies Live Here" sign I bought
Rest of the pics: Of my new "Rabbits" book
Bye :wave: