yeah, mine are pretty close to not being allowed to have nice things either
they've ripped a few bare spots in the fleece (mostly Nala, but then she taught Gaz how to do the same) and they've peed on it more than once... worst part is, the pee spot is RIGHT beside one of the litter boxes! (I know they're not standing in the box and peeing with their butts over the edge because the box is too deep for that)
I finally took the store-bought cage away; they've managed to leave as much stray poop in their run in two days as they used to leave in an entire week... they also seem to be peeing in the run more than before - Gaz did it twice today!... once while I was napping in the pen and Nala was up on the third floor of the condo and a second time while my back was turned 'cause I was putting hay in the third floor box and petting Nala.
I gave them a $3 fleece blanket with the thread (hem) ripped out (so they couldn't chew at it and ingest some) and cut into fourths, then piled up so they could unpile it and play with it. they also seem to be turning that into a litter box, so I took it away to wash it.
I had to take their shredded-paper dig box away today because they were turning THAT into a potty, too. how they found time to pee in that AND in all three litter boxes on top of peeing in multiple spots in the pen, outside the box in the condo and on their blankets is beyond me. I kinda hate them a little right now - it's a good thing for them that they're so darn cute!
I'm gonna go buy more of the pretty green fleece while the fabric store is still having a sale, but they're not getting it until after they're spayed and fully box trained. for now, I'll let them finish ruining the pieces that are in there, then replace them with cheap $3 fleece blankets from walmart that I don't mind replacing every 2-3 weeks. if they're lucky, they might not have the whole condo taken away from them >.>