NIC Condos

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Someone mentioned that there is a thread forposting pictures of your NIC Condos. I have been using thesearch feature and haven't found it. Can anyone make buildingsuggestions? Or post pics of your Condos? I didvisit and they have some great ideas, but I didn't seeany made for rabbits. Has anyone successfully constructed aCondo with a door? Thanks for your time!

Here's mine..hope you can see the doors..theones on the 2 ends and in middle are open...there's also some on tehbottom level that weren't made with this was taken.


Thanks so much for replies!PuterGeekGirl, how did you make the door? What did you use asthe hinges? BunnyDude, those links are great, I am on my wayto check them out again! Thanks! :wave:
zip ties....just cut out the insides of one, andthen thats the opening, and then cut out the insides of another and itmakes the door...hard to explain..the clips are small black binderclips I got from work. My husband used the grinder to grinddown the edges so no one would get cut.
COOL! Smart thinking! Whenyou say your hubby used the grinder, would a dremel work? Ican't wait to get home and try it out ;)

Hugs! Shorty, Star & Krick
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
zip ties....just cut out the insides of one, and then thatsthe opening, and then cut out the insides of another and it makes thedoor...hard to explain..the clips are small black binder clips I gotfrom work. My husband used the grinder to grind down theedges so no one would get cut.
I love your doors. I have to make them. I can'tstand how unfinished mine looks with the entire panels being used fordoors. It's just crooked. :disgust: Andthat drives me nuts.


Here's Sebastian'sCondo. It gets changed around a lot. I've added another two squaresonto each level to make his levels larger. So now each one looks like abig "L". He doesn't have a ramp anymore. He jumps from level to level.And we also removed the box from the bottom and the entire bottom isseagrass. He kept chewing the choroplast and I didn't think it would begood for him. He has a new hayrack too. I'll see if I can find thephoto of it and add it to the post. My door is tack welded so it isn'twobbly or crooked.



hopefully this shows up good enough to see itwell. we built a huge cube condo for around 25 bux!there are shelves that are up higher so that they have a place to jumpup and sleep. then we have dividers under the shelves forlitter boxes and food dishes. we have now opened the twosides to each other as cadbury is now fixed and no longer trying tomount kitty.
mambo101 wrote:
ayglnu13 wrote:
Here is the baby's cage:


Its still kinda small, but so are the babies :)

Totally too cute!:angel:

Ha thanks, I didnt think that it would take so long to make, but it took me like 2 hours!!! :shock:

Their favorite thing to do is throw the food everywhere, thats why the food is all over the flood :)

SO impressive! Can anyone post pic oftheir doors/gates? I think I've got the hang of it, but wantto be sure about what does and doesn't work. These NIC Condosare the GREATEST!! And so inexpensive to build! Ilove it here. This forum is the best!

Did I use enough exclamiation marks?!!? :D

Thanks & Hugs!
I didn't do anything special for the doors, justput zip ties on one side (like hinges) and clamp it shut on the otherside. Binder clips are okay, but spring clips work better.



Oh, and one other tip:

I've made two cages. I used scissors to cut off the zip tieson the first one, which left a little stub with VERY sharppoints. I had to go around and burn the ends of all of themso the bunnies wouldn't scratch themselves. On my secondcage, I used a utility knife and cut the ties off clean. Itworked great.



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