Nibbles' and Junie's Bonding Adventures

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Bunny Date #8 was in the tub again. It seemed to go really well!

We had some hay and cilantro out for the two of them. Nibbles picked at it, but Junie has fallen in love with cilantro, so she was trying to eat a bunch (we only allowed a couple strands). Nibbles tried to nip her a couple times, but didn't manage to pull any (noticeable) fur. We pet him a lot and he seemed to enjoy laying there getting pets. She came over to him and stuck her nose under him again. At one point, he got up, moved around a bit, then came back to her and lay down right next to her! We had to spray him once with the water when he got after her, so he was a bit wet. I think Junie was just licking at the water, but she did lick him on the back several times. We're hoping Nibbles noticed! We tried the banana idea and she didn't seem interested in the banana at all.

There did seem to be a bit of a peeing war going on. She peed first, then he peed right on top of hers. She peed on the other side of the tub several times. They also groomed themselves once, so I'm taking that as a sign that they're becoming a little more comfortable with each other.

We ended the date after they had been laying together for a few minutes as we pet them.

We're glad this one seemed to go so well! Hopefully things will continue on the upward trend.
Last night we had another tub date with Nibbles and Junie.

It went okay. There was no towel on the bottom of the tub this time, so both of them were slipping around a bit more than usual. Nibbles was after Junie again with his nipping, but because he slipped so much, he only actually got her about twice. He lay down most of the time and she stuck her nose under him like she does. At one point, he stuck his nose down on the floor and looked like he was asking for grooming from her, but she didn't do anything :( We pushed them together so they would lay down side by side a couple times and we ended the date after one of the more peaceful cuddle times.

We're hoping for more progress this weekend!

EDIT: Both of them were pretty mad when we made them get in the carrier so we could carry them to the tub. But Nibbles must've forgiven me by later on in the evening because he licked my pants when I was petting him! Love when he grooms me :) Now if only he would groom Junie...


Super exciting news during date #10!!

We put the two of them back in the tub together since that's where we've had the most success. They both started out the same way as the last several dates, but this time, I saw Nibbles put his head down in front of her (which I assume is him asking to be groomed). He doesn't do this all that often, or at least not in a very direct and obvious way. She responded by also putting her head down and they stayed like that for awhile.


They had been lying together as we pet them and Junie got up and went around to Nibbles' side. She sniffed his ears and then started licking them!! We stopped petting Nibbles and he didn't move. She licked the edges and inside one (quite vigorously, not cautious looking at all). She licked him a couple times on his back, then went back to his ears. This went on for almost a minute (maybe more?) before she stopped. He lay perfectly still during the whole thing and actually looked like he was starting to close his eyes at one point. About 30 seconds after she stopped he nipped at her and she jumped away. After getting them to lie peacefully together for a few minutes, we took them back to their cages.

We were so excited!!! We've been getting a little discouraged, wondering if there's something else we should be doing. I keep reminding myself it's only been a week since their first encounter and to be patient (not my strong point)! But this was very encouraging (and cute!), so we're looking forward to tomorrow.
So thrilled for all of you. Definitely something to cheer about.

Wishing you all continued success.

K :)
We had a lot going on last night, so we skipped a Sunday date. Tonight, I got them together in the tub again for Date #11.

Junie did quite a bit of grooming on Nibbles (which is awesome!). She licked his ears and the bridge of his nose. After a minute or so she stopped and lowered her head for some grooming, but he responded by nipping her:rollseyes Oh, Nibbles! Not exactly Mr. Charming!

They ate some hay together and she seemed pretty comfortable. I had to spray him twice when he started after her, but all in all I think it went fairly well. She's constantly watching him, trying to get closer, following him...but he ignores her for the most part unless he's trying to nip her.

More to come tomorrow.
Didn't have a chance to post last night, but we had another date for the two love buns in the tub. Nibbles seemed a little cranky at the start and was trying to chase after Junie. Eventually we calmed him down with pets. He allowed her to groom him for awhile, but of course, didn't offer anything in return. Not too much more development.
I know it doesn't seem like it, but I've been reading your blog from the start and you are making some progress. Now Nibbles can be calmed down by your touch and will not go after Junie. That's progress.

Baby steps. Keep going. They will get it in time. I know Nibbles is a grumpy soul, but Junie will bring him around. And you are helping him. You are doing excellent. Just keep doing what you are doing.

K :)
Thanks for the encouragement! Like I said, I'm not super patient when it comes to stuff like this, so it's hard to believe it's only been a week and a half since we started!

Tonight was date #13 in the tub. Nibbles ended up pulled several tufts of fur out of Junie, but he did sit still when we were brushing him or petting him. She stuck her nose under him a bunch (which usually resulted in her getting nipped), but he also started pushing his nose under her head or belly. She licked his head and ears a few times, but not as much as other nights. A couple times we would pet him so he would lay down and then the two of them lay quietly together for awhile with neither of us petting or brushing them.

The most exciting thing from tonight really has nothing to do with the bonding process. Since the time we got him, Nibbles has NOT allowed us to pick him up. That bunny would squirm and fight and kick until we gave up. We tried every trick we read online and nothing seemed to convince him that us picking him up wasn't a death sentence! Anyway, every now and then I'll try to pick him up again. Sometimes, I can pick him up for about 3 seconds before he starts kicking and I let him go. But usually, when I get one hand under him, he jumps away. So for these bunny dates, we've been getting him in the carrier to carry him to the tub. Nibbles also thinks the carrier is from the devil. :rollseyes He will not go in unless you've cornered him and shoved his butt inside! Well, tonight I put the carrier in his NIC cage and he ran to the corner. I did our usual routine: he runs around trying to avoid me and the carrier; I was trying to corner him. He eventually jumped in his litter box and hunkered down. I reached under him, expecting him to jump out, but he didn't. I slid my other hand under his rear end, still expecting him to jump away, but he held still. Finally, I picked him up out of the box, thinking any moment he would kick and squirm away. But no! I had a good grip on him and hugged him to my chest. No squirming! No moving at all! He was totally still!:faint: I sat with him for a minute, afraid that when I stood up, he would panic. I didn't want to drop him from 5 feet up in the air. He seemed relatively calm, so I slowly stood up and walked with him to the bathroom! Miracle!! He only squirmed a bit when I was lowering him to the tub. When the date was over, he let me pick him up again and I took him back to his cage. So even though the date wasn't anything spectacular, this is an awesome development for Nibbles!! Hopefully he'll let me pick him up again tomorrow! :clapping:
That's great news that Nibbles let you pick him up.

Haha, "Carrier is from the devil" Usually about a month before the vet's visit, I leave the carrier in my buns' room to let them get used to it.
We tried the whole leave-it-in-their-cage thing. He just chewed the edges...which would've destroyed it in a week or two (it's a cloth exterior). But now hopefully he won't have to see it as often!
Congratulations! Something else coming from the bunny dates. With all the work with trying to get Nibbles to bond with Junie, he's starting to trust you so much that he allowed you to pick him up and carry him. YES!!!!!!!!

BTW, that's how I pick up Willard. He has to go to his litter box and crouch down and then I'm allowed to pick him up. He's our rescue so I didn't know his past, so we figured out how best to approach him. Actually he helped us by going into his litter box. That's the safe place for him. Even when he's out and about, I always put his litter box on the floor and when it's time, we herd him back to his litter box. and easy peasy, he's picked up and put back into his crate.

Again CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Hoping all goes well tomorrow.

K :)
Nibbles was also from the shelter (he was 2 months when we got him) and we don't know much about his first 2 months of life either. They told us a woman had brought him and his siblings in along with their mother. It had been a surprise litter and she couldn't take care of them all. It's sad to think he may have been mistreated at that young age, but you never know. He might also just be a skittish bunny!

He still looked pretty miserable while I was carrying him, but he must've decided that my arms were the lesser of the two evils!
mdith4him wrote:
Nibbles was also from the shelter (he was 2 months when we got him) and we don't know much about his first 2 months of life either. They told us a woman had brought him and his siblings in along with their mother. It had been a surprise litter and she couldn't take care of them all. It's sad to think he may have been mistreated at that young age, but you never know. He might also just be a skittish bunny!

He still looked pretty miserable while I was carrying him, but he must've decided that my arms were the lesser of the two evils!

He might still look miserable every time you pick him up, BUT he's letting you. Dobby always looks miserable when I pick him up, but he lets me. He always gives me a grunt but lets me. This is after 8 months with him.

But when he's on the floor, he just loves me and will come up for pets and will chin mark my knee.

You are forming a bond. Both of you are learning together to get the job done. It works.

Keep it going!

K :)
We had bunny dates last night and tonight. Nothing too spectacular to report, same general attitude and behavior from both as we've been seeing. I was able to carry Nibbles from his cage to the tub and back again on both nights :) I would love to expand from the tub, but Nibbles still lunges at her and tries to chase her (although he's not very successful because he slips on the tub!). If we put them somewhere a little larger, I think the chasing would be worse.

We'll keep at it!
Tonight went well for some things, but not well on other fronts.

The bunnies did a lot of ignoring. Nibbles often would lunge at Junie and start digging at her with his nose. He wasn't pulling any fur, but she would jump and run away. We couldn't tell if he was biting her or what. It didn't look very nice and I'm pretty sure it wasn't licking. I'm not sure if his "digging" is good or bad or neutral! She doesn't seem to like it all that much.

Junie would not groom Nibbles (like last night). He put his nose under her a couple times, but no amount of petting or prompting would convince her to do it.

The best part about the date was that both of them lay or sat next to each other quietly for awhile without either one being pet. I'm taking that as a good sign!
mdith4him wrote:
Tonight went well for some things, but not well on other fronts.

The bunnies did a lot of ignoring. Nibbles often would lunge at Junie and start digging at her with his nose. He wasn't pulling any fur, but she would jump and run away. We couldn't tell if he was biting her or what. It didn't look very nice and I'm pretty sure it wasn't licking. I'm not sure if his "digging" is good or bad or neutral! She doesn't seem to like it all that much.

Junie would not groom Nibbles (like last night). He put his nose under her a couple times, but no amount of petting or prompting would convince her to do it.

The best part about the date was that both of them lay or sat next to each other quietly for awhile without either one being pet. I'm taking that as a good sign!

I say I'd take it as a good sign, IMHO.

Believe me, wish the bonding of my original two (Dobby and Kreacher) went better and they were still together. But it's OK. Actually making progress again. Though out individually, they are all noticing and accepting each other. It's a slow process and thankfully from reading stories like yours, I'm at least trying to allow my bunnies to have relationships (not just physical like breeding) with others. Just Friday, Dobby groomed Neville through the bars of Neville's crate. And last night Willard stood up and notice Dobby in his crate, as well as definitely noticing Neville in his. I was there the whole time. Believe me, a bit nervous, but actually it was a very good experience.

Because it's just so cute...


Me and Nibbles :) I usually pick him up so he's facing sideways (his side is against my chest), but he started flailing about just before we took this and he ended up facing me. He looks even more hilariously miserable when he's facing the other way and his feet are sticking out...I laugh every time! Last night when I picked him up out of the bathtub, my hand that went under his belly ended up close to his front paws and I could feel him grip my thumb with his little paw!! I almost died because of the cuteness.:bunnyheart
Love the pic! You should have a big smile on your face. Though Nibbles might look just a bit miserable, that look will go away in time. Dobby would grip my fingers just like Nibbles does, but that grip has really softened since. But he still likes to hold my finger gently when I pick him up and yes, I think it's cute too. lol


Since my last post we've had two bunny dates, one on Sunday night and one tonight (Tuesday). Sunday's date was okay. Nibbles was nippy and she only licked him for a few seconds. They did lay down nose-to-nose for awhile.

Tonight started out okay. Nibbles thumped at her twice when we put her in the tub with him. We got them to lay down together and they stayed like that for several minutes. We didn't pet either one of them and they were very still. Juniper started licking his ears and continued for several minutes. She stopped and offered her head to Nibbles for grooming, but he ignored it. She went back a little later and groomed his head and ears again. That stopped abruptly when Nibbles turned and nipped her, pulling out a bunch of fur.

What is up with this bunny?!?!?! :craziness

Why would he do that while she's grooming him?? Isn't that what he wants??? If only bunnies spoke English...

Anyway, we ended it soon after that, once they had been calm together for a minute or so. He's now in his cage hopefully feeling like he's being punished because she's zooming around the living room and he's not. We've apparently become a part of her running laps. She runs around the coffee table, jumps up on the sofa, runs across our laps, then jumps down and goes around the table again! At least she's having fun now...poor girl. She just wants to be friends, Nibbles!
Tonight went pretty much the same as the last date. Juniper groomed Nibbles quite a bit and they both lay down nose-to-nose or head-to-head several times without us petting them. Nibbles seems to like (or at least be okay with) her grooming him, and he goes after her when she stops. He's still made no indication (that I can see) that he's willing to do anything nice for her.